So this is in response to a prompt over at spnkink_meme. The original prompt is I just saw it and couldn't resist it. Something to keep you all going in between Big Bangs.
Jensen had just popped back into the kitchen to get another couple of beers from the fridge when he heard Jared cry out. Spinning round, Jensen stood the two bottles on the counter before rushing back outside.
Jared was half sprawled on the ground one arm wrapped around his middle, the other trying to push Harley away from his face. Soft, inarticulate cries were gasping out of him and he couldn't seem to manage the words to get Harley to go.
“Harley, Sadie, inside now!” The dogs stared at Jensen for a minute before they turned and skittered inside. Jensen rushed over to Jared, dropping to his knees at his side.
“Jared, man. What happened?” Jensen searched Jared's body with his eyes, worried that Jared still had that arm wrapped tight across his stomach. Jared lifted his head and Jensen blinked, stunned, when he realised the hazel orbs were wet with tears. He had never seen Jared's face so pale, high spots of colour on his cheeks.
“Harley snuck up behind me, I didn't see him...tripped and...” Jared trailed off, face going even whiter as he gestured towards the side of the barbecue. Jensen followed the movement and spotted the barbecue fork, sharp prongs glistening in the late summer sun.
“Dude! Right, come on you need to let me see it, Jared. I need to see if I have to call someone. I need to know how bad it is.” Jensen's voice lowered with worry and command and he reached out to Jared, curled his fingers over the hand that was pressed against Jared's abdomen. “Come on, let me see.”
“But it hurts, I know it's bleeding. I don't wanna see, how come you can't just take me to the hospital?” Jensen found the whine adorable but just now he needed Jared to do as he was told. He tucked two fingers under Jared's chin, lifting his face up so that he could meet his eyes. He slid his hand up so that it cupped Jared's cheek, thumb rubbing at the damp trails left by the tears that welled over dark lashes.
“You're gonna move your hand, I'mma have a quick look and if your intestines are all out we'll go to the hospital. Otherwise, let me fix you up.” Jensen kept his voice firm and quiet, knowing that Jared hated being hurt, got even worse at the sight of blood.
“You just look at me, okay?” Jared nodded and sucked his lower lip into his mouth, biting on it nervously as Jensen reached out to pull his hand away from his side. Jensen slowly rolled up the now ruined t-shirt, although maybe if he got it in cold water quick enough...
“Jen?” Jared's voice wavered and Jensen shushed him, patting his hand gently before returning his attention to the two scrapes that ran up the soft part of Jared's stomach, just above his hipbone. There were two small puncture wounds at the top that were stickily oozing blood.
He helped Jared pull his t-shirt off all the way, folded it into a small pad and pressed it firmly against Jared's side. Jared gasped and let out a small, hurt cry. Jensen stroked a thumb over his cheekbone again, forcing Jared to meet his eyes.
“Just gonna get you inside baby and I'mma clean that up and sort you out. I'll even kiss you all better. Now, you just need to stand up for me, okay? On three?” Jensen waited as Jared curled his legs under himself, and then he tucked his arms under Jared's and counted. With a soft grunt from Jensen and a moan from Jared, they were on their feet and Jensen pulled Jared against his side, keeping up the pressure on the t-shirt. He walked Jared into the house and along to the downstairs bathroom, dropping the toilet lid down and seating Jared down on it.
“Hold on to this,” Jensen placed Jared's hand over the folded up t-shirt, “whilst I go get the First Aid kit. You're doing real good, baby.”
Jared stared at the floor, trying not to cry or look at his fingers, which were covered in the reddish brown stain of his blood. But then Jensen was back with the small black case with the scary red cross on it. He placed it on the floor next to Jared and turned on the taps, filling the sink with warm water. He swirled a cloth around in it before turning back to Jared.
“Give me your hand, let's get it cleaned up.” Jensen took Jared's hand, pulling it over the sink and carefully wiped the blood from it, turning it over to make sure both sides were clean and pink from the heat of the water. He patted it gently dry before placing a soft kiss on the palm.
“Right, now lean your head back, look up at the ceiling for me baby, and take a nice deep breath.” Jensen pulled the sticky wad of t-shirt away from Jared's stomach, dropping it into the bath and running the cold tap over it. The soft sound of splashing water soothed Jared's nerves as he heard Jensen empty and refill the sink. “Is it bad?”
“Not bad at all, I'mma just wipe up your stomach here...” Jensen pressed the warm cloth just above the waistband of Jared's jeans and smoothed it gently upwards, wiping away the trickles of blood. “You just keep breathing for me, baby. Flex those abs.” Jensen let his lips curve in a smile, knowing that it would show in his voice and watched the tension start to drop out of Jared's shoulders, saw his head slump further back against the wall.
He rinsed out the cloth and finished wiping away all the traces of dried blood. Then he reached for the antiseptic and some small cotton swabs. “Now keep breathing for me baby, this is gonna sting, but you know I have to do it. Coupla quick wipes then s'all done. Y'all are gonna be good for me, aren't ya Jay?”
Jensen carefully cleaned the puncture wounds, hearing the hitch of Jared's breath as he pushed against the soft curve of his belly. He splayed his other hand over the ridges of abdominal muscles, caressing the tiny curves with his fingers, letting his accent thicken as he soothed and protected his lover. At last every trace of dried blood had gone, leaving just smooth, golden tan skin and the two angry red puckers. Blood had stopped oozing from them but Jensen covered them over with a small dressing; he smoothed the tape carefully over Jared's skin before leaning in to place a soft kiss just above his belly button.
“Mmm, there ya go darlin'. Good as new and twice as sweet.” Jared huffed out a small laugh at the cheesy line and looked down tentatively, smiling as he saw just clean skin and the small dressing. He curled his hand over Jensen's, where it lay against his belly.
“You take such good care of me.”
“Mmm-hmm, you know I do. Now you gonna say thank you?”