Remembrance (Of Things Past) - Below: Part Three

Mar 21, 2011 10:58

Time swirled around Gabriel once more, memories flickered past like a film played at the wrong speed.  Gabriel had wandered for a few years, the flare of power at that New Year would probably have attracted some attention and he had wanted to be well away from any possible fall out.  And it seemed that things were getting interesting.  Gabriel had slept through the birth pangs of the internet, but now it was up and running and offered endless entertainment opportunities.

And then he had discovered the Weekly World News, which seemed to have been written just to give him even more ideas for fun.  Gabriel wasn’t too sure where his new interest in humanity, in life, had come from and felt no urge to poke at the issue.  It was nice to have his sense of humour back, he had missed that.  And now he could no longer resist the urge to nest.  Angels are by nature territorial, and Gabriel needed a place to call his own, somewhere to feel secure and he found himself heading back towards America.

Flipping through a guide book he closed his eyes and let fate direct him.  Ohio it was.  Gabriel was pleased with his choice; a college town offered plenty of new faces, a steady movement of population meant that he could hang on to his current form.  And it also offered lots of opportunities for fun.  He found himself a loft apartment with wide open-plan rooms.  He added a completely decadent bed, huge and round, that he piled with pillows and cushions.  If he wanted to sleep again, he wanted to be comfortable.  He was done sleeping on the floor.

He even made himself some playthings, both long-legged luscious creatures.  He didn’t even really notice that they followed the same pattern as all his previous relationships, no really, he didn’t.  He even got himself a dog, the perfect family.

He tried not to play tricks too near to home, don’t crap where you sleep and all that.  But sometimes it just got too tempting.  How was he to know that Sam and Dean would show up?

He felt the itch at his grace as soon as Sam and Dean drove into town.  He had managed to ignore the tug about a year and a half ago, even though it felt like his grace was being torn in two.  He had been in an awkward situation with a lamia in Greece, and hadn’t really been able to flash out.  However when the pain and heartache that was feeding down the link had turned to rage, he had taken full advantage.

Gabriel knew exactly why Dean and Sam had turned up and this time he wanted to have a nice time with Sam, wanted to see if he could make him smile.  When the two of them turned up asking to look at the Professor’s room, Gabriel was happy to, ahem, help.  Gabriel couldn’t take his eyes off Sam.  The long coltish limbs had filled out with muscle, shoulders strained against the shirt.  Gabriel for once felt short and slightly overwhelmed as the brothers towered over him.

Adopting his default sarcastic persona, he deadpanned a couple of comments about the professor and his morals, or lack thereof.  When Sam smiled, revealing the barest hint of dimples, Gabriel knew he was in trouble.  As Sam and Dean continued to quiz him about the professor and his visitors Gabriel was surprised by how much he enjoyed the back and forth of the conversation.  Especially when Sam’s grin again revealed what threatened to be a hint of killer dimples.  Oh, I’ve got to get him to smile.  The thought of another conversation with the Winchesters both pleased and terrified Gabriel.

Gabriel didn’t like this flustered feeling.  He really worked hard on his tricks, the slow-dancing alien had him cackling for nearly an hour, and he wished he could have been there to see Sam’s face when they questioned the boy.  Of course, that wasn’t helping his Winchester problem.  The next day the boys were back.  Gabriel remembered this time to keep two steps above them.  That’ll stop that looming, wow Sam has really soft looking hair.  Gabriel pulled himself together long enough to allow Dean to distract him, whilst Sam headed back down to the lockers.  C’mon, he’d been around.  He'd practically invented the old distraction trick.

But he knew he had to bring it to an end once Bobby arrived.  He set the hall up, bringing in his bed, and all the accoutrements of a seduction.  When Sam left Dean outside the Hall, Gabriel couldn’t help but frown.  He had wanted Sam to be the one to see this set-up.  But he could still have plenty of fun with Dean, maybe this would work out better.  He didn’t really want to hurt Sam, but Dean… oh he was fair game.

And it had all gone to plan.  Gabriel had hidden his real self, animating the copy, had watched his two lovely girls smack Dean around and had left himself open for the finishing blow.  He shuddered as the stake drove in, feeling a dull, sympathetic pain.  He had waited for someone to notice that the bed, the glitterball and all the other things had not disappeared with the girls and the music, but maybe they weren’t as smart as he had thought.  He sighed as they drove off, now he had to go and find himself a new home.


Gabriel had tried hard to stay away from Sam.  He didn’t want to feed the connection anymore, but he had a funny tickle in the back of his mind.  The Winchester name was starting to chime some bells and even though Gabriel had severed his hotline to Heaven he still had ways of finding things out.  Easter always brought out some kooks, and some of them were more right than they knew.  It just took a little bit of careful listening, some ‘persuasion’ applied in the right places and Gabriel had his link to the information.

Of course there was always a price to be paid and it had taken Gabriel most of April to get hold of the stuff, but at least it was keeping him busy and stopping him from thinking of a certain hazel eyed human.  Finally the deal was done and Gabriel popped back to his temporary nest in Roswell (well, why not?) to see what he had.  He’d just sat himself down with a couple of pans of brownie and a can of cream when he felt an itch in the middle of his back.

Gabriel jerked to his feet as the itch turned into a burning pain.  I'm going to take care of you; I've got you, because that's my job, right? Watching after my pain in the ass little brother. Sam? Sam? Sam?! Sammy! No. No, no, no, no. Oh god. Oh god.  SAM!  Gabriel collapsed to the floor as Dean’s voice echoed around and through his skull, feeling as if tiny hands were reaching inside and ripping chunks out of him.  Mercifully Gabriel’s body sank into darkness.

Gabriel had also felt the sudden warmth that flooded through him, sending his head rocking backwards, back arching, as the connection to Sam was restored.  Gabriel realized that something major must have happened to bring Sam back from the dead.  He remembered the notes that he had bargained for and slowly read through them.  Sam was back for a reason.

Paper crumpled in Gabriel’s fist as his body started to tremble.  The next second the room was empty and silent except for the small sound of a ball of paper landing softly on the floor.  Gabriel tried to contain his destructive powers, managing to limit himself to a bridge collapse and a small earth tremor.  Of course he'd known about the whole Apocalypse business, who didn't?  He knew that there would be two brothers, two vessels, but finding out that Sam was fated to be Lucifer’s vessel, and Dean was to be Michael’s... Gabriel was stunned even though he had known that the Apocalypse would happen sometime, but now?  And Sam?

Gabriel felt the insane urge to fly into hell and grab his brother warmly by the throat and growl out the fact that Sam was HIS.  Instead he slowly and carefully calmed himself down and thought about the situation.  Maybe this was for the best.  He should just leave things alone; get back on track with the disappearing act.  But that had proved harder than Gabriel had thought.

Now that he knew who they were, what they were fated to be, Gabriel just had to interfere.  He remembered how it had felt, watching his beloved eldest brother send Lucifer down into the dark, had seen the tears that dropped in crystalline sparkles, had been unable to watch any longer as Lucifer held out his hands to Michael, reaching for his oldest brother.  Gabriel had felt a part of himself die at the heartbroken look on Michael’s face as he shook his head, denied his lover, his brother, sending him away.  If he could split the Winchester brothers up, maybe he would never have to see it happen again.

But first he needed to get them to come to him.  He needed bait.  It took him nearly a year before they finally picked up on one of tricks, Father knew he had tried to get their attention, but there was just so much stuff going on.  This Apocalypse business was really cramping his style.  But he had finally gotten their attention, had lured them to Broward County Mystery Spot.

Gabriel had known he needed to make an effort but seriously, how had Sam not worked it out already?  I mean, the piano?  Did he need to slap an ACME sticker on the side before Sam worked out that this was all a trick?  The dodgy taco, the electrocution, I mean, come on.  Although maybe he should have avoided the axe one.  Seeing Sam’s face as he realized that he had axed his own brother hit a bit too close to home for Gabriel.

And then, after everything, it had been a simple slip on Gabriel’s part.  After 100 days of maple syrup, Gabriel ached for something different.  The strawberry syrup called to him with its sticky, synthetic, pink yumminess and that had been what had finally tipped Sam off.  And boy was Gabriel thankful, for a while he had thought that he would never be able to eat pancakes again, and that would be a sin.

As he left the diner, he heard the door open and close behind him, footsteps following him.  Suddenly Sam grabbed him, pushing him hard against an iron wrought fence.  A thrill shuddered through Gabriel.  It had been so long since he had had someone real touch him.  He used the shiver to make his assumed body look more afraid of Sam than he actually was.  Well, he wasn’t worried at all actually, despite the rather large stake Sam had pressing up against his throat, dimpling the skin.  Gabriel’s mind started to run off on a tangent, large stake, large hands…  He dragged himself back to the conversation as Sam called him out on being a Trickster, stating that he had killed someone just like him.

“Actually bucko - you didn’t.”  Gabriel smiled as he allowed his disguise to dissipate.  Ah the look on Sam’s face, just as good as Dean’s.  After a brief disagreement - Gabriel didn’t want to come across as easy, well not just yet anyway, there was much more to this plan - he agreed to stop the Tuesdays.  Although his heart sank slightly at the thought of what was coming, he acted like it was all over, that he was through with them for now.

He had managed to avoid Sam for months.  But he had to ensure he was always giving him something to keep him going, to keep him chasing after the Trickster.  Gabriel was risking everything, letting himself be filmed, photographed, all for Sam.  Finally, enough was enough.  He felt bad, seeing Sam like this, the darkness in his eyes, the pain that had honed his body, focused his mind.  Gabriel dressed himself up as Bobby, told Sam that he could summon the Trickster, Sam just needed to make the sacrifice, to learn to give up his ties, his friends, his family.

He was quite surprised at how quickly Sam came to the conclusion that he wasn't Bobby, wondered what had given him away.  As Sam started to doubt his conclusions, Gabriel had to give in, appearing behind him.

“You’re right.  I’m just screwing with you.  Pretty good though, Sam.  Smart.  Let me tell you, whoever said Dean was the dysfunctional one has never seen you with a sharp object in your hands.”

Gabriel wandered around Sam, taking in the slim figure, the muscles built from months of nothing but hunting, the shine in his eyes as he begged Gabriel to bring his brother back.  The words cut Gabriel to his core, knowing that he could have used the exact same words on Michael, could have begged for his brother, but had chosen to flee.

“This obsession to save Dean.  The way you two keep sacrificing yourselves for each other?  Nothing good comes out of it.  Just blood...and pain.  Dean’s your weakness.  The bad guys know it too.  It’s gonna be the death of you Sam.  Some times you just gotta let people go.”

Gabriel had managed to let it go, hadn’t he?

“He’s my brother.”  Sam tracked Gabriel with his eyes, tears darkening the hazel, voice lowering with the pain that continued to flood through him.

Gabriel forced his voice to harden, to sound uninterested, calm and controlled.  “Yup.  And like it or not, this is what life’s gonna be like without him.”

Sam pleaded again and Gabriel felt his heart break, just a little.  Why had no-one loved his brothers like this, loved him like this?  He needed to get out of here.  Gabriel sighed, rolling amber eyes

“I swear it’s like talking to a brick wall.  Okay, look, this all stopped being fun months ago.  You’re Travis Bickle in a skirt, pal.  I’m over it.”

“Meaning what?”  Finally, a glimpse of something else from Sam, but it was too little, too late, Gabriel was out of here.

“Meaning that’s for me to know and you to find out.”  Gabriel snapped his fingers, popping the bubble of fake time he had locked Sam into, sending him back to the real world, to where Dean was standing, brushing his teeth, staring at his brother with his usual mixture of love and worry.  Gabriel didn’t hate him for that, not even a little.


Time rushed past again, spring warming into summer, fading into the cooler hazy days of autumn, the seasons turning, the world turning, mostly unaware of the events building behind the scenes, unaware of the sacrifices being made by those few brave souls who could see what was happening, who were aware of the real darkness under the bed, the monsters in the closet.

And once again Gabriel couldn’t stay out of things.  Splitting them up didn’t work, they had both died, had both been brought back.  His younger brothers were out and about, making things harder, and really, Zach, you couldn’t have picked a better vessel?  At least Castiel had made a respectable choice, although the coat always made Gabriel smile.

Well, Gabriel wasn’t one to stay out of the game just because things didn’t always go his way, you can’t win if you don’t play, and Gabriel had every intention of winning.  And he already had a prize in mind.  Time to try another tack, and this one would start with the toss of a coin; a very special coin.

The fact that no-one realised it was Gabriel behind this made him pout slightly.  I mean, invisible teens, talking suicidal teddies, and then the “Kneel before Todd!” line.  Yeah, that one was Gabriel’s.  Did any small children still watch the classic movies?  And Gabriel had always had a soft spot for Superman.  Kinda reminded him of Michael, in that dark-haired, goody-two-shoes way.  Oh and of course the flying and the battling of evil.  Gabriel smirked, watching Sam and Dean figure it out, watching them grow closer.

Gabriel was finding it harder and harder to stay away from Sam and Dean.  He didn't know what the connection was, where it was coming from.  Although Gabriel had to admit Sam looked hot in that janitor's uniform, probably much better than Gabriel had, or you know maybe not.

Gabriel wanted to curse when Uriel got involved.  That angel had always been a little too interested in the darker side of things for Gabriel, too happy get involved in a battle, to heavy-handed on the smiting.  And he felt for Dean, watching as he was forced to torture Alastair.  This was starting to interfere with his plans; he needed Sam and Dean together.  Although he had to thank Zachariah for the Sandover incident.  He couldn't have done that one better himself, and wow, that yellow polo really clung to Sam's muscles.  Maybe Gabe should keep one, just for fun.

And then if that wasn't enough with Anna, Castiel, Uriel and Zachariah rushing around his boys, they had to go and unlock his big brother.  Gabriel felt it, the very moment the gate opened and Lucifer crawled out.  The feelings of pain, rage, loss and hurt echoed across the Earth, bringing angels to their knees.  Gabriel wanted to curl up in a ball, wanted to hide yet also wanted to fly straight to his brother, to wrap his arms around him, to try and soothe some of that terrible hurt.  But there was only one being that could do that, and he was still in Heaven.

Gabriel felt the need to lie low, the last thing he needed was his big brother spotting him as he tracked across the world, searching for his vessel.  And then he felt the Horsemen being dragged into the situation.  Dammit, his brother was really starting to take things too far.  Maybe he should just give up the Winchester boys, get this whole damn apocalypse over and done with.  He could always put Sam back together afterwards.

The amount of angst floating around was really starting to depress him, where was the fun in life?  Lucifer was ruining it all and it was time to help finish things.  Gabriel needed the Winchester boys and he knew just how to get them.


Gabriel had never worked so hard in his life, his grace was flagging after creating so much but finally the boys were on their way and everything was ready.  The door was waiting to be opened; and in they walked.   Maybe it was the dip in his power levels, or maybe he wanted to be caught, but he was surprised how quickly Dean realised it was him, and he would much rather that it was Sam holding him pressed up against the wall.  But that wasn't the point of this lesson.  He had to get past this little infatuation and maybe dealing out the pain on a more equal basis was a start.

Of course he still wasn't going to let Sam get shot.  But something less risky would probably be okay.  Perhaps a little gameshow action?  It did make Gabriel wince, however, watching Sam double over in pain, but watching Dean sweat was much more fun.  The Winchesters were smart though, Dean answering his question correctly, even though Gabriel had to admit it would have been better if they actually knew what they were saying.  And when did little brother get so involved?  He really hadn't been expecting this personal interest from Castiel. Gabriel was really not on form this time round.

But, he was sticking to his plan, hurt Dean, humiliate Sam.  Then Castiel was back again, how was he managing this?  Oh Father!  If you want something done, do it yourself!  Gabriel popped himself inside his creation, to rounds of applause of course, sealing Castiel's noisy mouth shut.  Just as he had expected, Dean was getting pretty riled up, Sam standing quietly in the background, paying careful attention.

Gabriel was tired of messing around, fun though it was and he got straight to the point.  “Play your roles out there!  You know...Sam - starring as Lucifer, Dean - starring as Michael.  Your celebrity deathmatch.  Play.  Your.  Roles.”

Gabriel frowned at Dean's response.  Dean really needed to speak to his publicist, he was much smarter than everyone gave him credit for, hitting right to the heart of the matter - Gabriel's involvement in the apocalypse.

“You listen to me, you arrogant dick!  I don't work for either of those S.O.B's.  Believe me!”

Dean growled back, unafraid.  “Oh, you're somebody's bitch.”

Gabriel had kept his temper reined in long enough, he turned, slamming Dean up against the wall, holding him one handed as he turned to face the rest of the sorry group.  None of them knew what he was going through.  None of them knew how much this situation was tearing him apart inside.

“Don't you EVER presume to know what I am!”  Shit, that was last thing Gabriel wanted them thinking about.  Who and what he was.  He calmed himself down, backed off, clicked them out of there.  And then they staked him, again!  He finally heard Dean cry Uncle and sighed with relief.  Finally, this would all be over.  But, you have to give those boys credit, holy oil, wasn't expecting that at all.

“Gabriel.  They call me Gabriel.”  It was nice to come clean, to admit to who he was.  Gabriel was so tired of being Loki, of being the Trickster.  So tired of it all, but Sam and Dean wouldn't stop picking him apart.

“It can't be stopped.  I want it to be over.  I have to sit back and watch my own brothers kill each other thanks to you two!  Heaven!  Hell!  I don't care who wins.  I just want it to be over!”

Gabriel had never been so open with anyone.  There he was, stood there, almost defenceless, and they wouldn't give in.  Maybe something could come out of this.  He watched Sam silently back his brother, watched Dean stand up to him, to an Archangel, in the name of family, of humanity.  And Gabriel felt something that he thought had gone, curl into life again.  Hope.


bigbang, fic:remembrance

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