Sinning - meme post

Mar 19, 2011 09:11

So the lovely cynicl tagged me with this

**Seven deadly sins of supernatural meme**

Take a look at the characters on the list and come up with a sin for each of them. Once you are finished, pass along this meme to seven other friends and the cycle of sinning will continue.

Sam: Avarice, he wants an I-pad and he can't afford one
Dean: Pride - we've seen how he looks at that Impala
Adam: Envy - well, his two big brothers are so cool, he's bound to be envious
John: Wrath - kinda obvious
Bobby: Probably good sarcasm is not a sin, or we're both guilty of that.  Ummm...Pride.
Castiel: Gluttony - although I also wanna say envy
Michael: lust- yeah, yeah I know what canon says but in my head Mikey "hearts" Luci

Note: If you fail to sin and you don’t pass along this meme, a pack of Hellhounds will hunt you down and drag you to Hell. So sin!

Um I tag vyxenskye , ikira , myjedimindtrick , claudia_nic , malbryn and jassy3399 

spn, meme

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