Feb 16, 2010 12:26
Battle of the Roses round one started what?... a couple months ago now I think? I got the first few bushes done, the ones the stretch the walkway along the house, but that still left the u-turn & the whole las home stretch down the other side. Well I did all of Battle 1 with hand held clippers and by the end of it all my hand was a-hurtin! I had to clip everything super small to fit it into the yard waste bin that was already somewhat packed.
Well Battle of the Roses II went a little better. I got smart and got some loppers. this made the process go by MUCH faster. I still didn't get all the way down the home stretch but did finish the u-turn and a few bushes into the home stretch. Probably about 6 bushes left. Finished in time to only get a little rained on. Don't hurt quite so bad.
Many having all these rose bushes to take care of has quite literally been (many) thorn(s) in my side
Why did I feel like I needed to put this in my journal after not writing in so long? Because it's what I did yesterday *L* That's why