Apr 22, 2007 00:38
I'm currently undergoing some severe harrasment in my math class and I don't know what to do. It started tuesday. Situation: I'm alone in math, vs. having Kate and Ty with me. The teacher is lecturing, some boys to the far left of the room get bored, start biting chunks off a carrot and throwing them to the far right of the room. One hits my foot. I'm annoyed, but not enough to bother with it. One bounces off the desk behind me. One lands in my lap. I have just been WASLing for three hours because I failed by one point, the math teacher is a cow who couldn't control a well trained dog let alone a class of unruly teens and I am PISSED. I pick up the chunk and hurl it to the ground in digust. My motion was incredibly loud and violent apparently because everyone in the room is suddenly looking at me, including the teacher. I don't wanna be a snitch but like hell if I'm not gonna say that I was provoked. My words were, "They were throwing carrots at. Will you kick them out of the room?" Her response was, "I'll deal with it later." Fuming and completely embarased for having lost self control I endured and entire class period of hurled carrots that had suddenly gained accuracy in my direction. The teacher came up near the end of class to sign off on a sheet that I'd been working and goes, "Carrots, huh? Well, I'll beleive you this time, because you've never done anything like that before." I could ahve slappe dher right then. I almsot left class I was so angry.
Wednesday was a different block, and I forgot about it until Thrudsay rolled around. Ty and Kate were back, but Kate was off making up a test and Ty's behind me. A skittle impacts with my head. I say nothing. Several more rocket in my direction. I inquire politely of my teacher what had been done about the boys. She told me they'd gotten detention but not who. I ask Ty is he saw who's throwing things, and he shrugs, but Ian next to him responds that it's a guy named Jason who's been throwing the carrots and skittles. I watch Jason to see if I can catch him at it, because I need to know for certain who it is, no luck. But near the end of class balls of paper came flying while Jason was ahead of me. So it's either more than one person, or Ian lied.
Every time anything is thrown at me, I want to burst into tears and rip someone's throat out simultaneously. I have no idea what to do, I wanna jump Jason, but most of the pals have expressed disapproval on this. The teacher isn't a resource, she's incapable of doing anything other than making it worse, I'm sure. The school councilors have no power, and I don't even have an actual name.