Apr 17, 2006 22:22

01. Who are you, what's our relationship ( Read more... )

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anonymous April 19 2006, 01:38:40 UTC
01. Who are you, what's our relationship: Deidre..lovers;)
02. How and where did we meet: At school..through the group.
03. What's my middle name: Donovan
04. How long have you known me: Ive known of you since grade 9 but only really known you since grade 10.
05. Tell me one good thing about myself: You’re a very kind hearted person.
06. When you first saw me what was your impression: Honestly..i thought you were mean and scary. But I guess that had to do more with your association with Daniel more than anything.
07. My age: 17
08. Birthday: December 8
09. My favorite band at the moment: not sure..but I know you love some kanye
10. Colour eyes: brown
11. Do I have any siblings: Nope
12. Have you ever had a crush on me: well..
13. What's one of my favorite things to do: get drunk/high lol
14. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you: No idea..but it was probably something mean with Daniel..*cries* lol
15. Describe me in 3 words: funny, contemplative, kind
16. Name 5 things I love: drinking, girls, weed, chicken, mean girls
17. Do you think I'm good looking(be honest): Yep.
18. How would you describe me to someone: I would once describe you as the big black guy with the fro..but you no longer have it. May your afro rest in peace. :(
19. Would you ever date me: Now..obviously not. I think we’ve gotten to that too much of a good friend stage. But not too sure. It was definitely a possibility.
20. Tell me one thing you've always wanted to say but never did: I think I love you but what am I so afraid of? I’m afraid that Im not sure of a love there is no cure for…(8)lol..Seriously though..Im not sure theres anything ive never told you that Ive wanted to. I tell you everything.
21: What do you like most about me: That we can have honest open talks about anything without any judgement or anyhting like that. Its good to know that we have that kinda friendship.
22: If we could spend a day together what would we do: Get drunk and have some good laughs and maybe even end the night with an enlightening conversation that will only deepen our friendship:P lol
23: Have we ever gotten in a fight: yeah..:( It made me sad.
24: Do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years: I don’t see why not.
25. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it: I dunno about that one.
26. What do you think my weakness is? Your penis lol
27. Do you think I'll get married? Yeah you will for sure.
28. What makes me happy? Nunag food, girls, getting crunk, me:P…just to name a few. lol
29. What makes me sad? periods lol
30. What reminds you of me? The kanye teddy bear thingy and long tees lol
31. If you could give me anything what would it be? A certain girl..
32. When's the last time you saw me? Today
33. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? Id say about the same.
34. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? Yeah for sure. We always have our talks.
35. Are you going to put this on your livejournal and see what I say about you? No livejournal for me :(
36. If I was an ice cream flavor, which would I be and why? Watermelon..i know how much you like it:P
37. What song (if any) reminds you of me? got back lol
38. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be? Id want you to be more optomistic about things. Sometimes you let past situations get you down to much.
39. Would you make a move on me? I already have :P
40. Do I cross your mind at least 1 time a day? Yeah:)
41. If you could change one thing about our relationship past present and future what would it be? I wouldn’t change anything. I think we’ve had a pretty good friendship so far and hopefully itll only continue. I can’t imagine life without my david lol.


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