Jul 05, 2004 04:38
i need a job....or 2. because of my brainless spending i did a while back, the money i was going to use to begin work on my weighted vest idea was blown on paintball equipment, not an entirely bad investment, but still bad. tax deductable or not.
i think if i can land 2 jobs, meaning ill basically be spending my life working and sleeping for a while, ill start saving back massive ammounts of money. when school rolls around, and its time for me to start my trip down buisnessman lane, ill have to change to just 1 job, nto that im too owrried about that, since im living in babas house the only thing i pay for is whaetver then hell i want extra, i can keep spending down to like 50 bucks a month, and save up all i could possibley need.
once ive got a nestegg of around 50g's, ill start on my bachelors in buisness, move into my own apartment, and hell, while we're at it, ill enroll somewhere decent for something else. i think ill go for a masters in computer programming at some point, but lets just say associates degree for the moment. keep things cheap and simple.
soon as ive got my bach in buisness, ill apply for a home loan and buy myself a KB home in some location ill decide to be an actual home for me to be in for a while. prefferabley near my good friend and fellow priest, Nate. thatll be possible since the last 2 years of buisness (for bach degree) will also be my associates in C.P. i know tis pushing it, but hey, im quite good at micromaneging and multitasking.
at this point, 4 years will have passed from now. itll be 2008, and ill be 22. twnety two years old, with 2 small, but still good degrees that i can make real use of. also, im sure the clergy and JOS will have picked up massivley, were RIGHT NOW looking at money making options to push everything further, so no worries there really. by 2k8 im confident we'll have joined the mainstream section of religions. im usre that may sound "uncool" to some of you wannabe posers, but guess what? we're not in this to be cool, were here to spread the truth, and become a major dent in the christian bankroll. underground, is for losers who have no ambition.
KB homes cost around 300k on average, ill pay off around 75k of the homeloan immediatley, assuming that college permits such a feat, and then ill begin looking for superior employment, while beginning my own self-made buisness. why would i want to have a job AND a buisness you may ask? 2 incoms is VERY nice for 1 thing. and also, if my buisness bombs, ill need some source of money to fall back on. i may be overconfident, but im not a fucking retard.
now, with my new degrees, i should be able to find a 50-60k a year area of employment. to add to that income, ill rent out the extra rooms of the house to those in nees, charging maybe 1250-2k a month for rent, but youve gotta remember, these are VERY NICE, while amazingley cheap, HOUSES, that can reach as much as THREE STORIES in some places. thatll pull in around another 5-10k a month, wich will all go to paying off my home loan.
maintaining the house (utilities, cable bill, food ect) ill assume at $3,500 a month, since it IS a big house, and thats including the extra people and their showering needs, wich means about 42k a year, leaving 8-18k for other stuffs, ill put 75% of that into paying off the home loan, wich will make the total per year about 11-23,500 a year going to the loan. it shou;ld be taken care of at THAT rate, in about 8-9 years. add in a buisness income (wich aside from expansion and maintaining costs all profit would go to the loan) and itll drop real fast. the other 25% of my income will be to extra little enjoyments, a new game here and there, maybe a new game system once a year if one that catches my interest comes out, and whatever else that comes along.
and people tell me i cant plan for the future. hah.