Been a long time gone...

Nov 12, 2007 08:44

I've had a lot going on the last several months of my life. From health issues to moving, it's been exciting to say the least. I am once again going to make a stab at using my LJ more regularly, to keep in touch with some people and to give others a way to keep in touch with me. I've been quite a hermit over the last two seasons and I've enjoyed it thoroughly. Apart from gaming, I've had more time to read and draw - nothing too impressive or fancy, just general fiction/science fiction and doodles, but it has been nice.

I still work from home a few days a week, but I now have quite a longer commute the days I need to be at my office. I'm enjoying the drive, though I expect that will change as the weather gets snowy. For now, however, the 40-60 minutes of twisting back roads through suburbia and farmland during autumn is lovely. The colors are superb and I see sheep, cows and horses every day. animeg, sometimes they are very upclose and personal.
Incidently, I'd never actually seen a real black sheep until recently - they are quite cute.

So, info and links for fun.

In gaming news, I will need to be picking up a DS. There is a re-release of Final Fantasy 4 coming out that I really want to play.
Japanese FF4 DS site
That said, if anyone reading this has a DS and games they really enjoy, let me know what they are!

In gaming news, a large patch is going to be released tomorrow for World of Warcraft - fellow gamers, remember to turn off your mods (unless you enjoy seeing your faction glitchy and nekkid)!

In gaming/anime news, there is going to be a Persona anime, based on the most recent game in the series, set some 10 years after the game events. I am very excited about this one. The art looks pretty damn tight.
Persona: Trinity Soul
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