Happy Thanksgiving (to those of you in the US) Hope you all survive your families and that no one catches the house on fire trying to deep fry your turkies ^-^
And, in honor of the holiday, I come bearing a fic. Finally. I was starting to think that I'd never finish anything, so I'm pretty pleased with myself for completing even a short fic. This is another of my slash fairy tales. The Little Mermaid this time. Let me know what you think, 'k?
Of Kelp and Potions Title: Of Kelp and Potions, the tale of the Sea King's wayward son
Author: MakaiKitty
Rating: PG-13
Category: Original Fantasy, Fairy Tale, "Forever After Faerie Tales" Series
Pairing: Isadore/Aneurin
Warnings: Slash, M/M, WAFF, sexual situations, sap, angst
Distribution: My website, My LJ and any LJs I choose to post at, AFF.net, and FicWad. All of my accounts are under the user name MakaiKitty. If you'd like to use it just let me know.
Disclaimer: The characters, daemon realms, and situations in this story are all original and belong solely to MakaiKitty. Please don't steal, borrow, take, or otherwise use anything from my fics. This is, however, a retelling of a classic fairy tale. I'm just borrowing it. But that doesn't mean that you can borrow this from me.
Status: Complete
And, an update on my life: I no longer live alone. My parents both moved in yesterday while I was at work. Feels weird. I've had my own place for the last two years and now there's three of us in a one bedroom apartment (until we sign a new lease for a two bedroom) right now. The cats are a little freaked out by it. But, this means more money in my pocket every month and I don't have to help them out on their bills either. So, more vacations and someone to watch the cats/apartment when I'm gone. So yay! (I think.)
I haven't slept more than three hours in the past three days. Maybe the turkey will put me to sleep. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Your rainbow is strongly shaded violet.
What is says about you: You are a creative person. You appreciate beauty and craftsmanship. You are patient and will keep trying to understand something until you've mastered it.
Find the colors of your rainbow at spacefem.com.