I love the british!

Feb 08, 2008 00:26

I just finished watching Series 1 of "Dr. Who" tonight. I only started watching the show because I wanted to see the episodes where Capt. Jack Harkness from "Torchwood" was introduced. Then I fell in love with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, and had to watch the whole damn season. (Bawled like a baby through the entire final episode, btw.) Hell, I even liked Rose, even though I usually hate the cute sidekick/female lead types like her. And the leather pants that Jack was wearing in the final episode of the season? Damn! I didn't like the looks of the "new" Doctor at the end of the last episode, but I've learned my lesson this time, so I'm going to give the next season a chance. Then I'll let myself finish getting caught up with "Torchwood" (I wanted to go back and catch up in order, so I went back to "Dr. Who" before finishing the newer "Torchwood" episodes) finally. I'm sure at least some of you on my FList will understand how I got so easily caught up, since most of you seem to be "Torchwood" fans. Seriously, do I have anyone on here that doesn't watch it?

Now, for a complaint, since LJ is all about the angst and bitching about it: I have to pay the IRS this year!!!!! I've gotten at least $500 back every year since I've filed. I'm poor, so they had to give me something. Now, I almost made $30,000 this year, and they want more money from me! They already take like $200+ a paycheck, and they want more? Bastards! I have to pay almost $600 this year! Don't they know that I'm always broke? Although, maybe if I stopped taking so much time off (I went home early today again, since the computers went down and they started offering to let us all go home) I'd have more money. As it is, I'm sleeping on the floor still, and have an empty apartment, so it sucks that I'm not getting anything back this year. Oh well, at least I have a job for them to tax, so I guess that I should be happy.

Oh, and I went to see the Chinese New Year display at the Belagio today. Amazing! Truly beautiful. Although, their giant rat topiary looked more like a mouse to me, but that's probably just me. If any of you are locals, or if you're visiting Vegas sometime soon, and you haven't seen it yet then you definately should.

And, last but not least, a stolen (thanks littleamirgirl) meme that I thought was pretty funny:

If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now (even if we don't speak often), please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me. It can be anything you want - good or bad - BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE. When you're finished, post this little paragraph in your journal and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you.

dr. who, taxes, tv, vegas, life, work, meme, torchwood

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