First, the complaint. I'm home early for the second day in a row. Now, on Saturdays I usually like to do this anyway since our cable/satalite isn't set to the right time zone and I get all of CN's anime way too early in the day. I miss it if I don't come home early, and since I'm a lazy ass as is, I like to leave early on Saturday. But yesterday I had to leave earlier than usual. Then I had to do it again today. I have a terrible headache that's centered just behind my left eye. Today it's actually making me nausious. UGGGGG! I hope it goes away soon, because my mom is pressuring me to see a doctor and I hate going to the doctor. I haven't been to one in about ten years. I'd like to keep it that way. I figure it's just from staring at a computer screen all day at work and then having too small a screen at home where I type all night.
Or maybe I just like to complain too much.
Now, on to the question. I'm very nearly done with "Somewhere In Between" (Finally!) and I plan on doing some editing of my older stuff after I finish it. But I know me, and I can't not write anything new the whole time, so I have a series of shorts that I want to work on while I'm doing the backlog. I had so much fun doing "Pixistix and Apple Cider", which was a take on the Velvetine Rabbit children's story, that I've decided to do some similar works involving my favorite fairy tales. Problem is, I'm not sure which ones to do. I know that Anne Rice did a wonderfly smutty job of rewritting Sleeping Beauty, and that's kind of what I plan to do. So, here's the question:
What are your favorite fairy tales?
I'll put a list of the ones I've got behind a cut. See what you guys can add to it. I'll even dedicate the stories to the people who give me the ideas. You can even give some suggestions of what you'd like to see me do with the stories if you'd like.
The Frog Prince
Snow White
Beauty and the Beast (the first porno I ever acidently saw as a kid was a take on this *LOL*)
Sleeping Beauty
Little Mermaid
Little Red Riding Hood
Emperor's New Clothes (this one is the one my mom suggested *LOL*)
The Princess and the Pea for Ikky
Jack and the Beanstalk
Oh, and could someone please tell me what happened in "the Princess and the Pea"? I remember that there's a mattress with a pea under it and all of the prissy princesses couldn't sleep on the bed. But how did it end?