
May 31, 2009 11:33

I don't know why everybody's being so serious. Sure this event has been really weird, but it's not like stranger things haven't happened before and of course it won't last.

Besides, there are much more important things to think about right now. Like the exams and summer holiday! Don't be so upset, everything will be just fine~

((ooc: Maka's ( Read more... )

→ Kid, ♠ road not taken, → Papa, → Tsubaki, ☡ event, → Crona

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camelliamagic May 31 2009, 19:23:54 UTC
I doubt they'll hear you Maka, they are far too busy running in circles and ranting and raving.

Though you are right, I do wish they wouldn't disrupt everyone's studies at such an important time.


makachopgo May 31 2009, 19:52:55 UTC
How silly. You'd think that they would eventually realize that there are much more perilous things to panic over. Especially if they're disrupting others that are trying to study as a result, that's just plain rude.


camelliamagic May 31 2009, 19:56:41 UTC
It is, amazing they actually thinking acting so foolishly will do any good, it's pathetic.

It seems that the calm is the only plus at being stuck here in the Hospital Wing.


makachopgo May 31 2009, 20:12:10 UTC
Well, I personally wouldn't say pathetic, but it is certainly misguided that they act so surprised and outraged when Hogwarts does something.

You're in the Hospital Wing, Tsubaki? What happened? Are you all right?


camelliamagic May 31 2009, 20:16:11 UTC
Nevertheless, all the crying and whinging is not going to do them any good, and it disrupts everyone else as well.

It's nothing, I just got into an unofficial duel, that's all.


makachopgo May 31 2009, 20:38:44 UTC
That's true, I'm surprised a teacher hasn't told anyone to calm down and get back to work yet. I hope nothing's happened to them as well.

With whom and for what reason? You wouldn't just declare an unofficial duel arbitrarily.


camelliamagic May 31 2009, 20:42:41 UTC
If so then I have great concern for our standard of education.

I couldn't listen to anymore foulmouthing from that second generation Death Eater Crona Makenshi, so we duelled.


makachopgo May 31 2009, 21:04:38 UTC
I'm sure everything will be back to normal tomorrow.

Oh. Makenshi. I can't say I blame you for losing patience with her rhetoric, but I hope you didn't get hurt badly.


camelliamagic May 31 2009, 21:09:45 UTC
It better be, I'm not failing my exams because of this castles stupidity.

My arm is somewhat burned, but that is the worst of it. It was a matter of pride to stop her eternal badmouthing.


makachopgo May 31 2009, 21:42:16 UTC
You'll be fine! You're too smart to fail.

I'm glad it wasn't worse. People like her need to be taught a lesson anyway.


camelliamagic May 31 2009, 21:45:07 UTC
Even I need to keep up to maintain my grades...but thank you Maka.

Hence why the duel was not hexes barred. She probably would have broke any rules I set anyway. Least I wasn't caught by surprise. Now I can just be grateful she's on the other side of the ward where I don't have to listen to her.


blackbloodcrona June 1 2009, 02:06:25 UTC
Excuse me? You teaching me a lesson? Your brain must have gotten addled in that explosion because the duel ended in a TIE. Each of us got the same number of hits before we stupidly set off the exact same curse at the exact same time.
Funny how you talk about me badmouthing when you're both doing it behind my back and somehow I'm still the bad guy.
Oh hypocracy, how I love it.


camelliamagic June 1 2009, 05:32:14 UTC
I never said I won, just that I think I made my point about how you are not as superior as you think you are, tieing with a muggle loving bookworm like me. I count it as a personal success.

You speak of people you don't even know, and yet you class them as filth, while everything said about you is the complete truth, so it's hardly the same thing.


blackbloodcrona June 1 2009, 16:44:57 UTC
Hmm..You don't really know me at all so you really can't judge either. You don't know the reasoning behind why I think or act the way I do now do you? No, you don't. So stop making assumptions. You know what they say about people that assume right?

(ooc: in other words..if I'm not a good little Death Eater Mommy will beat me and lock me in a windowless room. ;_;)


camelliamagic June 1 2009, 16:56:37 UTC
I doubt if I actually asked I would get any good reason behind treated others like dirt beneath your feet because of their blood status. And besides, it's not as if you trust anyone enough to explain yourself anyway.

[OOC: *pets her* That awful abuse, it gives good reason to sing Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead!]


blackbloodcrona June 1 2009, 17:08:26 UTC'd be surprised.
No, I wouldn't tell you. It's my problem and my issue to deal with. I know my place and I'll put up with it until I can get out of there.

(ooc: God..after what happened close to the end in canon I bawled hysterically over Crona and I actually did a little cheer when Medusa met her fate in canon XD)


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