
Apr 02, 2009 11:59

I don't understand how I could lose this thing with how often I clean the dorm… So. It's still dark, it seems like the clocks aren't moving and someone put ice on the first floor yester--some amount of hours ago. That is all that's happened recently. …That's all? How strangely…inactive. Although it's not like ice on the floor and it being dark for the past …who knows is all that great of an alternative to what usually happens. I think I'd rather have a string of events that are mildly annoying to two REALLY annoying ones. My head still hurts from the fall. Ugh.

Well, at least with it being dark for…however long now, the stars are out. Though I don't know how long anyone can look at stars without getting bored out of their minds, I doubt anything afterwards can be as bad as this I've been trying to look on the bright side of things. …The figurative bright side.

((ooc: Maka fell and got herself a mild concussion. However, even with her acting like she's not all there, she'll disagree that there's a problem. And it is random that I would inflict a concussion on my least clumsy character, I know, but back-from-hiatus ideas don't always make sense.))

→ Ryan, → Papa, → Tsubaki, ♠ timestop, ☡ event, → Nuriko, → Crona

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