[Private to Soul]
Soul, the next time Haseo starts "looking out for his little brother", just tell him to mind his own business. That was very annoying. Although I don't really know what exactly was going on, so...WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!
Everybody's talking about kittens suddenly. Gee, the mood sure changes fast around here, but at least it's better than everyone being angry and depressed, talking about dating or not talking at all, right?
Then the Quidditch game will happen and everyone will start talking about that, but before that another event might happen. That's strange, I mean, strange for a school anyway. And yes, besides the school being Hogwarts. I'm just saying there's got to be something else to do. There used to be some clubs here, hasn't anybody thought of forming any more?
((ooc: Welp.
this thread happened. Now Maka's freaking out at Soul. Icon reads as her default and mood reads as contemplative to everyone but Soul. Sorry, Soul-mun, I just figured it was better if they directly spoke instead of us continuing to spam Haseo-mun's inbox.))