
Apr 29, 2011 11:37

I'm going to be in the library for the next few weeks months years days if anybody needs me. Unless it's some kind of emergency, though, I don't want to hear about it; I really need to get this review done.

Joshua is in charge of the Newspaper Club until further notice.

→ Joshua, → Kid, → Gamzee, → Yukimi, ✎ newspaper club, → Crona, ☹ awkward turtle

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I see this ending hilariously magicalmiracles April 30 2011, 16:57:16 UTC
wOaH wOaH.
WhY aLl ThE mOtHeRfUcK iS tHaT?
yOu AiN't Be BeInG aLl MoThErFuCkInG hOlInG uP aNd IgNoRiNg MoThErFuCkErS, iS yOu?
I aIn'T bE sTaNdInG bY fOr ThAt, LiTtLe SiS.


makachopgo April 30 2011, 17:13:21 UTC

One: I'm two years older than you, stop calling me "little sis."

Two: I really need to review for OWLs and I don't forsee any event where you can do anything about that.


magicalmiracles April 30 2011, 17:26:30 UTC
iT's JuSt CaUsE yOu'Re So MoThErFuCkInG lItTlE aNd AlL, sIs.
BuT yOu CaN't Be AlL mOtHeRfUcKiNg HoLeD uP iN nO nOnSeNsE wItHoUt BrEaThInG sOmE mOtHeRfuCkInG aIr, ToO, oR yOu AiN't Be LeArNiNg NoThiNg.


makachopgo April 30 2011, 18:03:40 UTC
Getting away from the no nonsense and breathing the...air is part of my problem in the first place.


magicalmiracles April 30 2011, 19:54:01 UTC
tRuSt Me, LiTtLe SiStEr, YoU gOtS tO bE mOtHeRfUcKiNg BrEaThInG aLl SoRtS oF mOtHeRfUcKiNg AiR!
TrUsT mE.
yOu GoTs To Be OuT aNd ReAdInG aNd AlL bUt MoThErFuCkInG gEtTiNg YoUr MoThErFuCkInG wHiMsEy On, ToO, sIs.
YoU cAn'T jUsT bE hIdInG iN nO bOoK tOmB, yOu GoT tO mOtHeRfUcKiNg AlL uP aNd GeT yOuR lIfE lIvInG oN tOo.
bE aLl OuT aNd SeEiNg WhAt'S tO mOtHeRfUcKiNg SeE.
LoViNg AlL yOuR mAgIcAl MoThErFuCkiNg MiRaClEs!
yOu AiN't GoNnA gEt No MoThErFuCkInG sCoReS iF yOu AiN't LiStEnInG tO yOuR hEaRt ToO.


makachopgo April 30 2011, 21:52:37 UTC
...What does my heart have to do with it?


magicalmiracles April 30 2011, 22:00:19 UTC
eVeRy SiNgLe LiTtLe ThInG, sIs!
YoU gOtTa LiStEn To YoUr HeArT iN eVeRy MoThErFuCkInG tHiNg YoU dO!
dOn'T bE kEePiNg ThAt WiCkEd MoThErFuCkEr In ThE dArK.
Be LEtTiNg OuT tHe WiCkEd MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLe ThAt Is YoUr HeArTnOiSe OuT iNtO yOuR lIfE!


makachopgo May 1 2011, 03:34:01 UTC
No. I trust my brain more than my heart.


magicalmiracles May 1 2011, 19:32:44 UTC
nOw, ThAt JuSt AiN't No MoThErFuCkInG wAy To LiVe, LiTtLe SiS.
YoU gOtS tO bE gEtTiNg YoUr MoThErFuCkInG hEaR oN fOr ThE mIrAcLeS tHaT lIvE iNsIdE yOu, aNd AlL tHe mOtHeRfUcK aRoUnD yOu..


makachopgo May 1 2011, 21:40:23 UTC
And how is that going to help with my current problem at all?


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