All things must end.

Jun 03, 2009 02:30

Some of the sky is visible now, although it's so little that a person who hadn't lived months without it might not even notice; but yet Leland doesn't, even though he can't remember the last time he saw the sun. All he can see are the bodies sprawled before him, rotting with incredible rapidity; all he can hear is the desperate heartbeat of the man with silver eyes as he bleeds out. His gurgling, gasping breath.

Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle: it's an all-too-familiar sound. Gurgle. It slows as Leland stands.

He can't stop thinking about how hungry he is. The man with silver eyes catches his attention, and he kneels by his side. Leland starts to ask if he is alright, but he stops himself.

"Many will have to die," he says, and puts his teeth to the man's face.

leland, fiction

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