Jun 05, 2008 23:28
Apparently, it's time for my biannual crazy dream post. I haven't felt quite well since after yesterday's employee appreciation event, T-rats game. I slept a lot last night, and then today I slept from shortly after getting home to 11:10 or so. At least 5 hours. As I lay on my couch after work, I entered the dream.
Movie night in my dreams begins with a short about basketball and how I'm really good at it. That should have been the first clue that I was dreaming. I was just playing basketball in a gym with some people I've never met before, and I am sinking shot after shot. It felt SO good. Draining 3s with a guy right on top of me. It was wonderful. I don't have those moments all the time, to say the least, but when something like that happens in real life, it's amazing. This felt VERY real. It goes on for a while. Very fun.
Later, I have a dream that kind of feels like I'm in a tv show. I must have been something like a private eye. We find this girl who, of course, has amnesia. What girl worth "finding" doesn't have amnesia? Well, someone (or something) is after this girl and trying to kill her. She stays at my place for safety's sake, but the circumstances are weird. As I'm heading to bed I realize that there is an immense amount of light coming from my back yard. I go to the shade and pull open a flap on my venetians. The stream of light coming in is blinding, but there's a reason. My ward (I've been saying girl, but she's a woman...) is sleeping in a full bed outside. I deduce that the floodlights are there for her protection. We'll be able to see if someone comes after her. The thought that sleeping outside is probably a bad idea for a woman in so much danger that she should sleep under floodlights never crosses my mind.
As we attempt to help this girl, we eventually find a sea lair that's very Indiana Jonesy. It's underground and mostly made of stone. Not very well lit. Toward the back of what looks much like a temple is the bottom of the ocean. Sea creatures swimming all around. I don't know if there was glass or something holding back the water, but it was so clear that I'd say it was probably magic. Of the sea creatures, in particular, were these beautiful groups of crabs. They swam in formation, two horizontal lines of 6 or so crabs, but they were big, maybe as big as my torso. And they each made these strokes with their claws in unison. It was so beautiful because there was no way to determine their mode of locomotion. They seemed to float in one direction at a slow but decisive and perfectly even pace. So beautiful, and a little bit scary. It turns out we were in the palace of a Kraken, and the girl was the princess of the Kraken. An evil magical or perhaps even demonic force was attempting to kill her. Things get very weird here, some things being represented by old black and white movie clips. We fight this evil, and it faces us. Ultimately it runs screaming in human form and slowly dissolves into nothing. The whole episode ends with a bunch of kids, four, I think, and a woman being transported back to their world in a similar temple-looking place. When they get back, they are relieved and head home right away. Makes no sense. This dream, just as the basketball dream did, felt VERY, VERY real. And I may have also dreamt it TWICE. That's right, same dream 2x in a row. So weird. When a dream like this happens and is so real, it makes me wonder if it came from God and what it could possibly mean. Am I to save someone? Is someone I am "finding" under spiritual attack? Is God a Kraken? If so, does he have a princess? Am I secretly a professional basketball player? Okay, so the last three questions are a bit tongue in cheek, but seriously, is God telling me I'm entering a period in my life where I "just can't miss"? Is it because I have an incredible challenge in my future where I'll wage spiritual warfare and save someone important? That sounds more grandiose than I mean it to. Obviously important and incredible challenge are relative words. Anyway, now that I'm getting sleepy again, I'll wrap this up. The dreams were very real, and should have been scarier than they were. Meaning, they were very scary, but I didn't feel afraid. I hope that if I am supposed to learn something from these dreams, that I can. I'm willing, just confused. Here I am, God. I am here.