Public letter to Petra Petterson aka Marlena aka Angel or what ever you want to call your self....

Mar 15, 2007 22:41

This is going to be so fun :D LOL

Oh Petra, Petra you have no idea how foolish you look whit this post to me in the Q-main. Everything in it contradicts it self.  Let me reply on it in public where ANYONE can read it.  Here we go bitch…


[16:45] Dont you have any life Majzan...... are you so sick that you have the need hitting on someone who is dead

I never said a bad word about Cedric, and I never going to. Even if he did call me names I wont say bad things about him. He was to good, for you, you did not deserve him. I wish he had meet a good girl in real life instead of you on the net, whom only was a fantasy for him. The person who is sick here is you who played with his emotions. You are the reason he was so depressed, you are the reason he killed him self. You played with his heart and his emotions.

and someone who is mourning.....

Right, I bet you are. I think more you are starting too look for your next victim to cannibalise on.

thats just really pityful..... I feel sorry for you....  I was just told by my friends here what you had in your description last night....

Don’t think so, its not possible for them to know whom it was pointed at you sad excuse for a human being

you cant hurt me with your lies about me...

That is not lies and you know it, don’t even get why you get so upset over them. You got 2 kidds and used to be in Kisa. Plus you was in H&H, not to for get your alt nick Lilith that was a bot in H&H. Maybe they took your kids from you because you use so much dope. I know the boy’s father was fighting for his son and he wanted full custody for him. I bet he got it.

and everyone knows how much yeza hated you.....

They knew he was pissed at me yes, and that was all your doings. Not mine, you put shit in his head about me. That I realy don’t care about, what upsets me is you manipulated him in to the bitter end.

seek help.... Its not normal..... especially not for someone who is almost 40.... grow up...  I dont know your problems with this so called Petra.....  but it sure isnt me.... and many here knows who I am..... there are tons of Angels on dc.... like my sweetzie told you.... and you are just making a fool of yourself..... you must have a bitter life..... persuing our  like this.... maybe this person did soemthing awful to you....  I dont know....  I dont even know you.....

Now this is the really funny part. First you say my age, then you say you don’t know me. Who the fuck are you trying to kid? Must be your self you trying to fool, as most with brains see though this comment! IF you don’t know me how the hell do you know my age. You are the Angel I claim you to be, you can deny it till earth goes under but you are that bitch. YOU ARE PETRA. I’m not the fool here, you are. You are the one who been talking shit not me.

saying " are you happy now Petra " to me....

Yes and it sure it the right spot, you reacted. You would not react like this if you weren’t Petra Person. You are sooooo exposed you bitch.

now.... is just really sick.... you should be ashamed of yourself...... leave our  in peace.....

Leave your what in peace? You are so pissed at me now bitch so you cant write properly.

you cant hurt us anymore..... but maybe you are not satisfied until Im dead too....

No, I’m not satisfied, until you burn alive in hell where you belong. You have destroyed so men it’s unbelievable, am so grateful Jörgen is still well and alive. And not to mention all men you tried to pull in to your web. Maybe I should ask Paul to join the hub. Then you for sure will get your hand full.

You killed Cedric; you are to blame for his suicide. You fuck, I hope you will live long and painfully with this in your mind. I hope you can't sleep at nights, I hope the ghost of Cedric will hunt you for the rest of you poor miserable life.

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