200. My middle name: Garrett.
199. I was born in: Washington.
198. I am really: really really really
197. My phone is: LG Chocolate. Black. Looks great, but it's not as great as it looks.
196. My eye color is: Green.
194. My ring size is: Hell if I remember. 11? 12?
193. My height is: 6'3"ish
192. I am allergic to: Nothing that I know of. Never got tested. Wouldn't be surprised if dust mites disagreed with me, though.
191. I was born on: March 22, 1988.
190. I am annoyed by: Broad questions that are difficult to give a single answer to.
189. Last book you read: Novel-wise, I think either Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox or A Lion Among Men.
188. My bed is: bigger than is strictly necessary.
187: One thing you hate about yourself: My procrastination habit.
186. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?: Stomach, with one arm under my head/pillow. Makes my arm fall asleep a lot, but I can't get to sleep any other way.
185. How do you vent anger?: Uhh... >>;;
184. How did your day start off?: Hard to pinpoint where it started, exactly, since I couldn't sleep all night and wound up sleeping several times during the day. >>
183. Can you handle the truth?: I should hope so, else I'm proper fucked.
182. Do you get along with guys or girls better?: Friend-wise, I have a tendency to get along with girls better. Don't ask me why, I don't know.
181. How do you think you look right this moment?: Need a shower. >>'
180. Last person you went to the movies with?: ...I don't even remember.
179. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas, I think.
178. The Perfect Kiss is: Let me get back to you on that.
177. the last CD I bought was: Megatainment. The Megas. Fuck yeah.
175. Are you living at home?: For another month.
174. Do you have any siblings?: Yes. Step, technically.
173. What did you do yesterday?: Not much, actually.
:::I Do /Do Not Believe In:::
142. Love at first sight?: No. Lust at first sight? Infatuation at first sight? Yes.
141. Luck?: As an abstract concept, yes.
140. Fate?: Very very vague word. I believe in hard determinism, but I don't think that our futures are predictable to any meaningful extent.
139. Yourself?: When I have to.
138. Aliens?: No evidence for or against. Except a really freaking big universe, which is about half a tick in the "for" column.
137. Heaven?: No.
136. Hell?: No.
135. Ghosts?: No.
134. Horoscopes?: No.
133. Soulmates?: In a figurative sense, yes.
:::Which is Better?:::
128. Drunk or High?: Never been, can't say.
127 On phone or online?: Online for friends, phone for family.
126. Red heads or Black heads?: You mean I have to pick one?
125. Blondes or Brunettes?: See above
124. Hot or cold?: Hot or cold what?
123. Summer or winter: Summer.
121. Chocolate or vanilla?: Yes.
120. Night or Day?: See above.
119. Oranges or Apples?: See above.
118. Curly or Straight hair: See above.
:::Here's What I Think About:::
116. Abortion: Too complex an issue to compress into a meme answer. If you really really want to know, ask.
115. Backstabbers: Loaded question much?
114. Parents: They're human. With all that entails.
:::Last time I:::
102. Hugged someone?: ...Not sure.
101. Saw someone: Today.
100: cried in front of someone?: A few months ago, at my last session with my therapist.
90. Who is the ditziest person you know?: ...My younger stepsister, I think.
89. Who makes you laugh?: Lots of people.
88. Last show you watched?: Heroes.
87. What you don't understand is?: Far too much stuff to list here.
80. The most unsatisfying answer I've ever received is: "Because I said so."
76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is?: Being within a day's transit distance from my friends. And having a room to myself, possibly.
75. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is?: School.
73. Tomorrow: Nothing.
72. Today: See above.
71. Next Summer: Got nothing planned that far in advance.
70. This Weekend: See 73.
67. People call me: Matt.
62. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: ...Possibly Alpha.
60. The most difficult thing to do is: Doing something that scares you.
59. I haven't gotten a speeding ticket: Ever because I don't drive.
55. The first person I talked to today was: My mom.
54. First time you had a crush: Probably my first year of high school.
53. The one person who I can't hide things from: Can't or won't?
52. Last time someone said something you were thinking: Eh?
51. Right now I am talking to: Nobody at this exact moment.
50. What is your dream job?: I'd love to translate, preferably for video games.
49. First job?: Never had.
47. I have these pets: One dog.
46. I wish: I had someone to cuddle and fall asleep with. >>;
45. The worst sound in the world is: Styrofoam. Fucking styrofoam.
44. The person who makes me cry the most is: Well, no person really makes me cry.
43. Best sound in the world?: Music.
42. Who makes you happy?: My friends. All of 'em.
38. Cats or dogs?: No thank you.
36. Which Golden Girl would you be?: See above.
35. Myspace or Facebook: Facebook.
34. Mexican food or Chinese?: Both.
33. My favorite piece of clothing?: My "+20 Frost Resistance" zip-up hoodie.
32. My favorite color(s) are: I don't play favorites with colors.
31. Last time I cried: While watching back episodes of Heroes. >>;;;
30. My friends are: Taylor, Michael, Beth, Alpha.
29. My computer is: Shit.
27. Last person I got mad at?: Mother
26. Person you secretly crush?: It wouldn't be a secret anymore, then, would it?
25. Favorite food place?: Most places are good in their own way.
24. Favorite song: Oh there's no way in hell I could ever pick just one.
23. Paper or plastic?: We're actually using those reusable grocery bags right now.
22. The all-time best show is: There is no "best".
21. The all-time best feeling in the world is: Being loved.
20. Favorite scent?: Dunno.
19. What color is your hairbrush: Uh.
18. Favorite shoes: Only got one pair.
17. I lose all respect for people who: Hard for me to lose all respect for someone, but I guess it happens sometimes. I'd prefer not to think about it too much...
15. Color of your room?: Kind of a semi-off-white or cream or something. Think white chocolate, but a bit darker.
14. TV channels you watch?: Don't really watch TV anymore unless it's for Heroes or Glee or sometimes House.
13. Best Feature(s) in the opposite sex: Opposite? I dunno, it's not something I really think about much.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was?: I'm relatively sheltered when it comes to pain, so I'm not actually sure. Probably digestion-related back pain? Lamest answer ever.
10. Best Memory?: ...Hard to say, really.
9. Favorite TV show?: Heroes.
8. My favorite singer: Utada Hikaru.
7. Favorite Stuffed Animal: I don't have any of my old ones from when I was a kid anymore, but my Cactaur is friggin' awesome.
6. Greatest Fear: Rejection.
5. My weakness is: Talking to strangers.
4. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?: Never kissed anyone outside of my family.
3. Who broke your heart?: ...Someone. It wasn't his fault, though.
2. One thing that makes you feel great is?: Compliments.
1. One person that you wish you could see right now?: See 126
I blame Alpha