*Sings* Loathing! There's a strange exhiliration, in such total detestation!

Jan 13, 2005 17:13

Been a while since my last entry, I know. -_-
First thing: My friend Joey has gotten me hooked on the soundtrack to the Broadway Musical version of the afformentioned book, Wicked. "What is this Feeling", "Defying Gravity", "Popular", and "No Good Deed" absolutely r0x0rz ur s0x0rz. ^^
Second. A little rant about the governor election thing.
OK, let's take a look here. Rossi wins the vote, Democrats cry foul. Gregoire wins, Republicans cry foul. Hm, do we see a pattern here, children? Both sides are just sour about not winning and want to exploit the voting system to its fullest extent. I surely didn't hear Rossi complaining about an unfair election when he had won due to a large number of valid votes not being counted. Did we know "The will of the people" then? No. And who was the one protesting the idea of a recount? The dishonorable victor that we now find complaining about an unfair election only once he's no longer in the lead. ALTERIOR MOTIVE SENSES TINGLING! Of course that doesn't mean that Gregoire is the incarnation of perfection, but the fact remains. Is it possible to really know what the people want? No. Which means that my point is effectively now void, but that doesn't really mean I can't get out a little political rant once in a while, because I rarely do.
OK, now that that's out of the way, onto other stuff.
I have my speech for my Citizenship Project tomorrow. Not at all happy about that. As if the body of the project, with ten hours of community service and a full portfolio about it, wasn't hard enough, they have to throw on a speech about the damned thing that I didn't know about until monday of this week. I hate competencies... ;_;
Third. I have about 1400 megabytes of files I need to transfer to my new computer from the dinosaur I'm using at this moment. I can't write to CDs because for some reason that only God in heaven would be able to discern (Which means nobody knows) the new computer won't read CDs burned by the old. And I can't use a LAN connection because that would require a ton of software that I don't have, so it looks like the only option left is to use the 64 megabyte mp3 player/flash drive to transfer it a little bit at a time. That's gonna take a while, ne? -_-'

fanboy japanese 101, rants, past me is a derp, politics, high school

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