Today marks the anniversary of a very special event.
On December 19, 1732, Poor Richard's Almanack was first published.
AND, on December 19, 2004, I created this LiveJournal. Glee. ^^
To celebrate, I may actually update this tired old layout, once the holiday season draws to a close and I take down this spiffy Christmahannukwanzakah-themed background. That is, if I'm not too lazy. ¬¬
Bi-yearly field trip to Uwajimaya is tomorrow, and I'm gonna pick up some Japanese manga while I'm there so I can translate it for my senior project. Apparently, the project proposal is good, it's just that I need to find a mentor and figure out how to document the hours.
Also, I need to get off my lazy ass and register for the SATs. The next deadline for registration is this thursday, after all. ><
On a slightly more angsty note, I may finally be able to talk to someone about being diagnosed with APD. And it only took six months, too. >.>
Anyways, stats for this LJ-Anniversary bash:
Friends: 8
Mutual Friends: 7 (You know who you are. Michael! >o<)
Communities: 16
RSS Feeds: 5
Entries to date: 70
Comments to date: 123
Comments by me: 139
Documented Interests: 78
Also as a celebration, I wanna have everybody who reads this entry leave a comment. Seriously, EVERYBODY. ^^
Oh, and
[\] Research Colleges
>>[ ]Apply?
[\] Research Scholarships
>>[ ]Apply?
[X] Look into extracurricular activities
[X] Renew permit
>>[ ] Practice!
>>[ ] Sign up for drivers ed
>>[ ] Get a license
[\] Read the pile of handouts from Beyond High School >.>;;
[X] Decide on Major
[ ] Decide on Minor
[O] Study for SATs
[ ] Cut down on video game/computer time
[X] Get up to date on Hamlet Journal ><
[ ] Senior Project work
>>[X] Come up with an idea
>>>>[\] Get idea approved
>>[ ] Find a mentor
>>[ ] Start workin on the damned thing