Dec 29, 2006 02:59

Characters: Akatsuki Members
Setting: A sealed room in Akatsuki Castle after New Years Day.
Notes: All Akatsuki members must post at least once. THIS THREAD IS CLOSED.

Summary: The Akatsuki are finally on the move; it's always best to start the new year off with some... new... developments.

The hall is dark and the only source of light are the candlesticks hooked onto the walls and lit, creating shaky shadows across the way. The walls are made of cold stone, and they travel up and up, making the ceiling far too high with no reason. Nothing is gained by the extra space as the walls are bare save for the candle holders. The floor is made of cold stone as well, making the room nothing more than a sealed cylinder of stone. The air is stale and untouched from lack of use, and there is no draft floating through the room making it almost hard too breathe. The only additions to the room is the single rug, a deep dark red almost black, that is round like the room and lies in the middle of the room. Surrounding the rug is eight chairs and a single throne that is placed direction across from the door.

There is no question who sits where when the members enter for the meeting. Everybody knows where to go. There is no chatter before the meeting begins; the only thing they are there for is for business. The Akatsuki knows this, and so there is no question. As the door shuts behind the last person, all sound is lost from the outside world. The door is thick and made of tough wood. No sound penetrates through the barrier. Nobody knows what is going on inside the room; and nobody knows what is going on outside of it either. The secrecy is always present.

And so the meeting begins.

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