First fic preview ever O_O

Dec 15, 2008 17:42

Hellu people :D I'm a new one here and this is mainly just to see if I can understand LJ enough to actually post something O_O So instead of sitting and reading other people fics I'll try my own, mohaha! XD

Title: Mel's hole
Bands: Gazette, slice of Alice Nine, Vidoll, Gackt, Pierrot I might add some later on...
Rating: R-NC17 we'll see what happens -.-
Warnings: Lousy language, odd plot involving a hecka lot of medical wierd words.
Summary: (woho here we go!)
Ruki is a straight A-student with an odd eye disease that will eventually turn his sight completely black in around three years. His childhood is heavily clouded by medical drugs for reasons to him are unknown. But his situation changed rapidly when he got an envelope of a seven armed candelabra, the symbol meaning more then what the young lad ever could've dreamed off...

Warning once again: Practically everyone in my fic here has phsycis problem, diseases or ESP (also involving some satanatism... did I spell it right? O_O)
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