I marched down the most important -not to mention the largest!!- avenue in the city with the organization I work for, the sun was burning my skin and I was all tired, but it was worth it.
Meme snagged from
anadxof 1. Where is your cell phone? have no idea
2. Boyfriend/girlfriend? not at moment
3. Hair? straight and ponytailed
4. Your mother? sleeping and snoring
5. Your father? wish I knew
6. Your favorite item? my x-files barbies :P
7. Your dream last night? too damn weird
8. Your favorite drink? whatever, not soda!
9. Your dream guy/girl? made of chocolate xD
10. The room you are in? awesome and mine!
11. Your fear? hair flying around :s
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? happy and successful
13. Whom did you hang out with last night? just with myself
14. What are you not? im just not xD
15. Are you in love? no, not exactly
16. One of your wish list items? lots of dvds!
17. What time is it? quarter to one
18. The last thing you did? drink refreshing water
19. What are you wearing? all blue pjs
20. Your favorite book? from Garcia Marquez
21. The last thing you ate? hot crunchy waffles
22. Your life? I can't complain
23. Your mood? can't complain either
24. Your friends? few but good
25. What are you thinking about right now? stupid uncomfortable chair!
26. Your car? wishing I had
27. What are you doing at this moment? typing my answer
28. Your summer? I can't remember
29. Your relationship status? single and happy
30. What is on your TV screen? everything is black.
31. When is the last time you laughed? probably not long
32. Last time you cried? cried just yesterday
33. School? in 7 hours