Nov 06, 2006 23:09
i've been getting alot done recently and my stress level has been considerably lower.
I finished my first painting today. however, i have to buy stretchers to start my next one. we'll see how that goes. I think ill do my design of elliott.. we'll see. Also I found out elliott is coming home early (Feb 20!!!)
england in two weeks. im very excited.
I've been sitting in these past few weekends trying not to spend money and i feel like my head is going to explode because i get nothing but criticism from my parents the whole time i'm there. I've got nothing but shit for this England trip for the past two weeks. They're trying to make me feel guilty and nervous for going and thats so shitty. My mom is also trying to talk me out of going. Like id respect anything she had to say about it considering everytime I've seen her for the past 2 months she either has something negative to say, or she doesnt speak to me at all. If jen wanted to go they would have given her money and bought her everything she needed for the trip. Oh wait they did do that last May when she went to London for 10 days. She went with school which I guses is why they condoned it moreso... but when she was over there she got drunk everynight and would go off with these people she just met.. so whats the damn difference. At any rate I'm going to try and not let it bother me and just look forward to the good time i'm going to have.
This weekend me and ashley are seeing john waters give a speech at drexel which should be very awesome.
I'm trying my hardest to get my research seminar paper a little more than half complete before my trip, so hopefully! I have 4 pages so far. It needs to be about 10 - 20 depending on the cotent.
Oh I wonder whats to come.