Oct 09, 2011 20:12
[Public | Video]
[Rhade is clean now! This makes him happy. He wanted a shower after deck search like burning. And the bruise at his temple is nearly entirely gone. It's just a little greenish.] I went up to the deck and saw someone undefinable out of the corner of my eye, and also at a distance. If there's anyone else with a particularly keen sense of smell, they might note that something up there smells as if it's dead. If there was something dead, I was never able to identify its exact location. [I.E. Your warning. If you have a body up there? Go get rid of it.]
And then, I was kidnapped at gunpoint. So my investigation concluded early.
Have the lights flickered in all areas of the Barge and are there place unaffected? Also, I'm most put off by the fact I suddenly seem to have a bathroom. [This is by far the creepiest of all the Barge changes! Why did the non-corporeal Tesseracting creepies want him to shower alone?!] I'm concerned that it might be a trap.
[And later.] ...Ignore that first portion about the bathroom. It appears that I graduated while unpaired.
[Private to the Admiral | Text]
[Suspicous circumstances on the Barge aside, he has to go ahead and ask. Because he wants to help his sad little Pride of people he doesn't share genes with.]
Due to Svetlana Nazarova's influence over my decisions that led to my graduation, and her status as an unpaired warden with no graduations to her name, I would like to know if it's possible for her to receive her deal as per her original contract citing her contributions to me.
[Letter sent to Sveta | CCed text to Brax, Una, and Four]
Svetlana Nazarova;
You may not recall me, as we spoke infrequently. I am a friend of Braxiatel, Una, and the Doctor. I was the Doctor's inmate for a time. While I did not observe you at your best, your friendship meant a great deal to them. Theirs means a great deal to me.
I have graduated without a warden. Therefore, after appealing to the Admiral, my graduation has been credited to you and you have received your deal with the Admiral. Remember your friends fondly, as I know they remember you. You improved the quality of their lives, and indirectly have given me the chance to regain mine as well as see some former errors in judgement more clearly.
Live well,
Gaheris Rhade
*OOC: So Rhade graduated with the help of a few different conversations and being at the bad end of a soldier against alien conflict. Without a warden. So he doesn't know that he graduated. He just got a bathroom. More will be added to this entry as threads progress, but he'll eventually figure it all out.
plot: rachel berenson