Feb 23, 2011 12:21

[Public | Audio]

I once was told by a man that love was like magic. This is the closest that I've seen his assessment to be true, despite my arguments to him at the time. A science that I don't understand. An uncontrolled pursuit of perspective mates and forming of social bonds that would otherwise be unthinkable, but yet there was an obligation that was utterly irresistible and just as suddenly gone.

If the ship is following a directive, it would only make sense that it proceeds with it's course regardless of your discomfort. Expressing resentment toward that ship is a futile effort, as it does what it must by the person that pilots it. If that ship is piloted by its avatar, then it simply follows its mission to the best of its interpretation, whether it believes in it or not. Perhaps not completely without compassion, but the ship has a duty and it will fulfil it above all else. It can't afford to be partial to anyone, or respond with sympathy because of the frustration of its crew.

This isn't a justification of the vessel's actions, but rather why I think the Admiral simply is following an obligation.

An AI or similar piloting intelligence can just as often develop it's own personality, to good ends or bad. It knows what we need to supply it. It can have a sense of humor. It can be lonely or happy or ill-tempered. It can feel all of these things and be as bound by its core programming as we are by our instincts and DNA. If he has developed these urges, as I'm supposing according to the last flood, I would like to commend him on his choice of female to court. He has ensured that one version of her be on board for quite a while, according to your logs, and she has proved herself a survivor on many situations and has wilfully adapted and exceeded her capabilities as situations permitted. I would even go so far as to speculate you've protected her when pressed with dangers, as a prospective husband well should.

In that, as a husband and a father, you have my compliments, even if you will certainly have my frustration later.

[Private to Tyr]

I would like to know more about what became of our future, if you would indulge me. I intend to improve upon it if I can.

c: kodiak pride

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