May 27, 2009 17:09
I was forced to dispatch this to a tech, below is my actual doccumentation on the issue:
"IAH/Susie - Needs shares reinstalled
Originally the agent informed me that shares was not installed on the computer. She then told me that one of her coworkers somehow reinstalled shares on this computer, but shares was not working. After a bit of difficulty I was able to get the computer name from her, remoted into the computer, and saw her typing away in shares. I told her I was watching her, and that shares appeared to be working fine. I asked her what the problem was, and she informed me her macros were no longer working (possibly the only issue). I tried to inform her that we could not set those up for her, and that would be up to her to program them, and she wanted a tech to come do this for her. While creating this incident, she actually sent customers to other agents telling them that "I am on the phone with the help desk, because my shares program is not working" Ticket created per agent request only."
She is having to do horrible things like for the "Check-In" command she has to MANUALLY type 6: rather then one button!
She had me speak to her supervisor, who wanted to know why this critical incident could not be resolved over the phone. I made sure and told her what the issue really was, and her supervisor simply said "oh really".
As a note, agents and even supervisors cannot install programs on work computers. They have to have administrator privlidges, which only my desk, and the field services techs have.
I think I will go cross post this at Mock the Stupid now...