Another Public Entry

Aug 27, 2006 19:09

So I have finally been pursuaded to update by comments made bu others in another person's livejournal.

Got to say, I am dissapointed in a couple of people.

sistersinister9 posted a rather good email she got in her journal.

I happen to love that email she posted. I might not agree with 100% of it, but if it helps people facing death, good for it.

I am a card carrying republican. Bush Jr's second election bid was the first time I have voted for a non-republican presidential cannidate.

I do not support the war, but I do respect our troops who have little choice but to go and follow orders.

I hate the zelots that commited unspeakable acts on 9-11 in the name of their god.

I am a proud Pagan. If pagan zelots had done the same thing, I would hate them too. Just because a few fuck-tards commit crimes in the name of their faith, that does not mean all members of that faith are monsters. I happen to have a few Muslim friends.

Disagreeing with something someone posts is no basis to attack their life-long dream of being a writer. If live journal posts were considered 'artful writing' none of us should be considered writers. I include myself in that. Quite tacky. Why not just piss on our faith while you are at it. Even nicer to attack someone who is afraid because something is drastically wrong with her body. :-)

No news source should ever be viewed as a perfect source in itself. Not NPR, CNN, Headline News, Fox News, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc... They must all be watched so you have a balanced view on everything. Every single reporter puts thier own slant on every story they tell. I do love how some of them bash America and our way of life, while hiding behind the first amendment while they do it. If we are so bad as a nation, then why are they still American citizens? I am by far not the most patrotic person in America. I disagree with alot of what we do. You know what? I still love my country and how I have the freedom to be me. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt there are a few countries that would have me shot (or worse) for dressing, acting, and living the way I do. Sure there are bad cops, but even they have to eventually answer to groups like "Internal Affairs".

The Koran may have been mistreated in their eyes. In their faith, it is treated much better then the Bible for example. It is to be honored, cherished, and protected. That is something I can respect. A book with the teachings of your faith should be treated that way. The thing is, with how the Bible is just a book to most americans, even chrisitians, not all know that.

For the record, I don't think that the attack was on Americans. I think it was to detour Muslim imigrants who com here for a better way of life. "Don't go to Amerikuh, it is not safe! They are the evil empire of the world!" Note, this is my opinion and I do not attempt to pass it off as fact.

Now if you do not like this post, feel free to remove me from your friends list. I honestly could give a fuck less.

If flaming me makes you feel better, go ahead and do it. Just don't expect me to bother replying.

No I am not bothering correcting typos.

Have a 'super' day.
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