I know what you mean! I printed it out on two sheets, but Lord only knows where I can pin it up to keep it handy...
How's life in your little neck o' the woods? Hope all is well. I hardly logged into eljay while I was sick, and now I'm back to adult literacy tutoring AND busy at work... Don't they know I need play time to keep up with all my eljay friends? LOL
Ooh, useful... thank you...pepper_fieldJanuary 23 2007, 13:15:45 UTC
I always forget all this stuff - I shall have to save this somewhere as one of my references. Thanks!
Have I ever mentioned Strunk & White to you? 'The Elements of Style'? I know I've pimped it around the lj a bit... it's my favouritest grammar / writing nitpick guide. Also available in fanfic form: http://members.aol.com/kipler/grammar.html
Comments 4
How's life in your little neck o' the woods? Hope all is well. I hardly logged into eljay while I was sick, and now I'm back to adult literacy tutoring AND busy at work... Don't they know I need play time to keep up with all my eljay friends? LOL
Have I ever mentioned Strunk & White to you? 'The Elements of Style'? I know I've pimped it around the lj a bit... it's my favouritest grammar / writing nitpick guide. Also available in fanfic form: http://members.aol.com/kipler/grammar.html
Hoorah for proper grammar! *g*
I love grammar. I cringe as some of the things I read, wondering how some people ever passed high school English!
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