My fortune

Jul 11, 2005 13:06

Does your fortune cookie fortune count if it was originally someone else's???

I snagged a fortune cookie from our kitchen area at work - one of the guys eats Chinese all the time but not the cookie, and he always leaves it there for anyone to take, lest you think I'm stealing someone else's cookie...and I really like fortune cookies.  ANYway, I had Thai food for lunch and thought this cookie would end the meal nicely.  And my fortune was...

"You will step on the soil of many countries"  (It doesn't, however, indicate the source of funds for said travel.)

Now, I have previously been to Mexico, Canada, France, Germany and Austria besides my home country, USA.  So, in essence, depending on your definition of "many", I have already fulfilled the cookie's words.  Then again, it says, I will (implying future, not as in "in your lifetime you will have done").

So....Gabit, here I come???!!! (According to deaniebtvs who says I must, it's definite.)


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