Manifesto: Brittany

Sep 12, 2012 22:18

For challenge number 4 at slushieverse "manifesto"

please be ready for a little incoherant text!! i'm not that good at putting my thoughts into words!


Brittany was my favourite straight away, no she didn’t say much in season one, but what she did say was always funny and Heather Morris delivered every line with comedic perfection.

A lot of people just think Brittany is dumb and nothing more, but I don’t think she’s dumb, just look at her performance in the Brianiacs!!

She seems to get the gist of what’s going on, but doesn’t quite get the right information out; she gets a little confused:

“Ballad, from the middle English Ballard, who knows what this word means?”
“It’s a male duck”

“What’s a duet?”
“A blanket”

“When I pulled my ham string I went to a misogynist”

“…or English songs performed bilingually”
“Oh! I’m bilingual”

Brittany is also kind, supportive, (essentially) innocent and except for some dodgy writing in season 3 she isn’t mean. She was friends with Becky while the rest of New Directions looked on bemused, she helps out anyone who asks by dancing with them, she helped out Kurt with his dad and the whole kicker thing, she somewhat misguidedly helped out Coach Sylvester with her plans to bring down the glee club, most recently she helped Santana get into college without being asked to.

People think Brittany is too dumb to be with Santana and can't see why they are together, but I don’t see why being a bit dim means you can’t love and be loved!

I think someone like Santana, who has a lot of anger going on, likes being around the easy going, fun loving Brittany, I think I helps her to take her mind off of whatever she has her mind on and she can just have fun.

Of course it doesn’t hurt that Heather Morris is very beautiful and I could watch her do anything!


possible points: words 300= 30 points, 12 caps = 12 points, total = 42

picspam, glee, slushieverse, brittany

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