Good god my flist is dead!! Where is everyone? Tumblr?? (spoiler capital of the internet!) And of course now gleeverse is dead I don't get any challenges or people entries to the challenges! :(
Well am not going to get into the whole gleeverse thing, instead am going to tell you what I've watched the last couple of weeks!!
No. 1 - game of thrones - oh my god! This series is awesome!! I watch all 10 episodes in 4 days!!
The Lannisters are awful people, but damn do they have good armour!!
Arya stark is one of my favourites probably because I can relate!! And she also has more swag than any of the other characters!! Also she's the only one so far to have beaten the king!!
Daenerys Targaryen (the girl with the dragons) is also pretty cool! I want to know what's going to happen with her and her dragons!!
No. 2 - John Carter (of mars) - why is this not making money? I thought it was awesome!! A good action sci-fi!! Admittedly it is nothing like the book which I am still reading, but it has most of the elements of the book!
I have to say that Taylor kitsch is my newest boy crush! He is devilishly handsome and he played gambit!!
There is also a load of cool armour in it too!
No. 3 - the new glee promo! - oh god!! Quinn!! I swear if they kill her I'm gonna be pissed!! I want to know but I dont want to know!! :(