A Sundial in the Shade…

Mar 26, 2006 13:04

Last night, I was given the opportunity to present an award from the Mayor of Philadelphia to a good friend - Patrick Rodgers. The story behind this is very, very long and a little odd. I'll spare the details until when I see you in person. :)

Here's the text of what I said before I surprised him:

"Brothers and Sisters of Shadowland -
What you're about to see we hope you find thrilling. It is the only remaining part of a show that never happened, at the request of the intended guest-of-honor. His reasons were sound. However, one cannot present something of this nature and simply say, 'Here.'
Therefore, it is my proud pleasure and honor to present this citation - from the City of Philadelphia and the office of the mayor - in praise and recognition of ten years of contribution and achievement by Patrick Rodgers."

These kinds of things make me nervous and yet I keep doing them. My online friends kept saying, "You'll do fine." or "What's the worst that could happen?" One of them said, once I'd told him what I was planning, "Why doesn't anyone ever give this kind of award to a pimp?" I thought it might be too long a story to explain to him who Patrick was.

Ulana, who was recently similarly honored by the governor of Pennsylvania, came to my DJ station after the presentation to comment that I "really have a talent for these kinds of things." I was a little shocked to get a compliment from her but was a bit more surprised that while gesturing she actually managed to get her finger in my nose. I'm usually not at a loss for words but what does one say to that? I think I might have been less nervous if she'd done the nose & finger trick before the presentation.

I am half-planning to do this again, as I know how to obtain awards from the mayor's office. I suppose the question now is, "Who's next?…"
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