Jul 20, 2006 00:02
go ahead, you're just blowing smoke up my nose
oh wait... it was actually in my face.
just some of the little things you've started to do due to lack of respect and distrust because i can asure you that if jess had a problem with you skipping work or she was dissapointed in you for skipping work then you would have gone...even if you didnt go, you wouldn't have hung out with her especially to go get HER hair done at a salon in fuckin Williamsburg. Mines in downtown hampton and you refused to go with me eventhough i went with you three times. way to fucking go. she has ugly hair any way. much like her whole face. you really don't like skinny chicks. because she is in nwo way shape or form lean, or muscular. glad your "best friends" again. (until she uses you and gets mad at you for made up reasons.) you just can't pick em can ya? ah well darling you've always been one to want to be hotter than the person your with, probably why you pick such ugly girls. and i'm not excluding myself from that list. i hope you have a great evening. . . .
anyways so tonight i had work which was fun because anne was there adn its always fun with anne and so was kenyatta and i love making her laugh. she's also teaching me various tips on fashion and i love it because i wanna be just like one of the girls off a devil wears prada. ah love it. then after work i went to Sparetimes with all of outback and bowled with keena jazmin ariel her friend, leon boy in red hat andrea and rachael. it was really really fun. anne asked her mom if i cuold spend the night and she said no which is a downer because she's awesome. i'm sad that i never got to know her before. shows me to judge a book by its cover. keen keen was in togo today and i missed her at the host stand but thats ok because ben told me that ben and jen both agree that i'm the strongest host up there...whcih isnt saying much since they're all new. oh well i can't wait for school to start up and winter to come. i love love love the winter time! its always a lot more romantic...not that i have romance but because i can dream for warmth from another right? not a specific other just anymore. i get to the point sometimes where i crave to be touched. i crave for personal contact. not even kissing or having sex, but i want a hand on my shouler or a hand on my hip or SOMETHING. ah well that's what winter's for. hm. anyway i'm home and bored and can't sleep. just wanna sleep and lose weight. haha but that's just a dream of mine. ah well. i love this journal and have dearly missed it.