(no subject)

May 03, 2005 21:25

So right now i'm contemplating dropping out of college and enlisting in the army.

There is nothing else i want to do with my life right now, period, end of story. College is a side benefit of ROTC as far as i am concerned. I don't give two shits about the classes i'm taking or what i'm learning. I decided that for some reason i wanted to study mechanical engineering. I don't really know why, nor do i know why i'm even here. I don't want to study mechanical engineering, i don't want to study politics, i don't want to study philosophy, i don't want to study any of that shit. the problem is that with my grades as they are now, i'm going to lose my scholarship, have to get loans and possibly not even get commissioned into active duty. There is one sole goal in my life right now that rises above all others, and that is to be a soldier, not part-time, not a weekend-warrior, as a job, as a career. I dont' want a normal desk job or any of that other shit, there is only one job i want. and it's ironic that college could cost me that job despite the fact that nothing i learn here is relevant or necessary to my job. so here i am, at a juncture in my life. if i manage somehow to contract with ROTC i am committed and jumping out of that contract bars me from enlisting in any of the other armed services. so i have to decide before the start of next semester if this is really what i want to do. i can't even talk to any of the cadre at ROTC cuz i know what they'll say, they'll advise against it in all of their esteemed wisdom.
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