man...i have no idea how to change my lj...

Mar 22, 2005 00:10

oh man...i never update anymore this is kinda lame... i need someone to show me how to change like my background and stuff cuz i'm a tool like that. anyhow...stuff at unh is goin aight, just a few more weeks till the end of the semester. ROTC rocks as usual, gettin up at 5:30 3 days a week still blows, but the pay off is worth it. I'm lookin forward to this summer and the road trip to canada. for those of you that know about it, we need to get some planning done, soon if possible. anywho, i'll be home this weekend for easter, my 'rents are pickin me up friday afternoon at some point and then i'll be home till sunday. anybody that wants to chill should hit up the cell and watnot. anyhow i need sleep, so g'night all.
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