Chapter 07, Part 1 -- Beautiful People (August 15, 1969)

Sep 06, 2009 13:56


The following chapters taking place at the Woodstock Festival will be some of the longest chapters in this story due to the number of the songs played at the concert, therefore due to LiveJournal’s size constraints most of the chapters will be posted multiple parts.

I'd like to play a game,
That is so much fun,
And it's not so very hard to do,
The name of the game is Simple Simon says,
And I would like for you to play it too

Put your hands in the air,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them all about,
Simple Simon says,
Do it when Simon says,
Simple Simon says,
And you will never be out.

Perhaps because he had little experience in playing games, Severus was feeling decidedly foolish.

In school he'd been forced to take part in recreational activities for which he had no interest, let alone love, and he had always been one of the last one's picked when teams were chosen, He was then made fun of when his efforts at whatever sport or game was being played inevitably fell short.

Nevertheless, here they were, at the Free School session conducted by Free's parents that afternoon after lunch. The Free School, it turned out, was more of an Aquarian New Age day camp than school, where arts and crafts, and what Free's parents called "mind and sensory expanding" games were the order of the day.

And so they had the children start out playing Simon Says, to a song by the same name playing on their portable record player.

Free was playing enthusiastically with some other girls. DeWard was playing enthusiastically with Dawn. Dawn's brother was doing it enthusiastically with a couple of other boys who all were making silly faces at Free and the other girls as they followed along.

Azalea and Angel were playing with each other, Azalea particularly enthusiastic when shaking her hands with the middle finger extended towards Angel, who in return gave enthusiastic middle finger thrusts in Azalea's direction.

Yesmina's enthusiasm, on the other hand, seemed more a case of not wanting to offend their hosts.

Severus was not enthusiastic at all, which then drew the attention of Free's parents who took turns in coming over and trying to force him to play, saying that he needed to "loosen up".

Put your hands on your head,
Simple Simon says,
Bring them down by your side,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them to your left,
Simple Simon Says,
Now shake them to your right

Severus made half-hearted movements, just to keep Free's parents from mauling him again.

Now that you have learnt,
To play this game with me,
You can see its not so hard to do,
Lets try it once again,
This time more carefully,
And I hope the winner will be you.

Severus would not have minded so much if they had only played the record, and the game, only once. But Free's parents were convinced that everyone was having so much fun, that they kept having everyone do it over and over.

By the fourth round, only Free was still enthusiastic, although Azalea and Angel in the back were now both shaking middle finger salutes towards Free's parents instead of at each other. Steve and his buddies were putting their enthusiasm into mugging funny faces.

Even Yesmina didn't have the enthusiasm to maintain a facade of politeness, and when she went to join DeWard and Dawn, Severus joined her.

Thankfully, Free's parents decided that when the record finally ended, that it was time to move on to something else.

They had the children line up, shortest to tallest, and then had them start tapping the shoulders and back of the person in front of them with their fingertips.

DeWard and Dawn were at the front of the line; Angel, Severus, and Yesmina were together towards the middle; Azalea, Free, and Steve were towards the end of the line, but not together.

Severus felt only slightly less foolish tapping Angel's back, and having his back in turn tapped by Yesmina, than he had when he had been expected to wave his hands to his side or clap them over his head during “Simon Says“.

After a few minutes, Free's parents announced that they should all stop, turn in the opposite direction, and commence tapping the back and shoulders of the person who had just been tapping them.

"What is this supposed to be doing?" Severus whispered as he began tapping Yesmina's back.

"Hell if I know, amigo," Angel answered as he tapped Severus. "It's all crazy hippie shit, just go along with it!"

"It's supposed to relax you," Yesmina stated. Severus glanced back at Angel.

"Do you feel relaxed?" Severus asked. Angel snickered and leaned forward.

"I don't know who this dude is behind me, man!" he whispered. "You figure it out!"

"I'm relaxed!" Yesmina stated, which made Severus stop tapping her.

Free's parents seemed to take this as a sign to move onto the next activity. They made everyone stand in a circle, facing one way. Azalea squeezed in between Angel and Severus.

"What they think, havin' strange people touch yo' all up like that!" she exclaimed. Azalea had obviously not found the tapping exercise relaxing.

Free's parents told them that they were now going to do an exercise in trusting one another.

They had the rest of the children count off as 'one' or 'two'. Anyone who was Number One was to fall backwards, and be caught by the Number Two behind them.

Azalea, a Number One, looked doubtfully at Severus, a Number Two, behind her.

Severus, almost a foot shorter than Azalea, looked even more doubtfully back at her.

Azalea then looked to Number Two Angel, in front of her, who exclaimed, "Hey, I gotta catch this dude in front of me!" and turned around.

"Yo' gonna drop me!" Azalea accused Severus, who just shrugged.

"I will do my best, Azalea...but you are a lot bigger than me."

"Let's switch!" Azalea decided, moving between Severus and Yesmina. "I'll catch you!"

This did not make Severus feel any more comfortable.

"How do I know that you will even try to catch me?" he demanded.

"I'll catch you!" Azalea answered, trying to act offended, but her laughter did not assuage Severus' doubts.

"You probably will drop me on purpose!" Severus retorted.

"No I won't!" Azalea replied. Severus was not convinced.

"Okay!" Free's parents called out. "On the count of three, everyone who is a Number One just let go and fall back and let the person in back of you catch you!"

Severus gave one last doubting glance back at Azalea, who was fighting to keep a straight face, which made it even harder to trust her.

"One! Two! Three!"

Most of the Number Ones let themselves fall backwards, and surprisingly most of them were caught by their designated partners. Severus was not one of them.

On the count of three, he still stood there, wondering what the hell this thing was all about and why he should be doing it.

"Fall, goddammit!" Azalea whispered hoarsely in his ear, making the whole concept of trusting her somewhat more difficult.

However, Severus weighed his options; the worst that could happen was that Azalea would not even try to catch him, and he would end up in an undignified sprawl on the ground. But in that case, she would have Angel and even Yesmina angry with her, and Free lecturing something to the effect of it not being cool, man.

But if he did not even try, he would end up with an angry Azalea who would probably make his life miserable for the rest of the day.

Severus closed his eyes, tried to relax, and let himself fall backwards.

He felt surprisingly strong hands grab his upper arms, and then carefully lower him to the ground. He opened his eyes and saw Azalea grinning at him.

"I told yo' so!" she exclaimed, before punching him in the arm and standing back up.

"Ow!" Severus complained, standing up and rubbing his arm.

Azalea just laughed, but immediately stopped when Free's parents announced that they were now expected to reverse roles, and the fallers would now be the catchers, and vice versa. Azalea now realized she was in the same predicament as before.

"Yo' better catch me!" she threatened Severus.

"I'll try!" Severus complained. "But I cannot guarantee that I will not fall, too!"

Azalea looked very doubtful as they switched direction in the circle.

"And I get to punch you afterwards, too!" Severus promised.

Azalea glanced back at him with a glare, but before she could say anything, Free's parents started the countdown. On the count of 'three', the designated fallers fell.

Except Azalea.

"Fall, goddammit!" Severus taunted.

Azalea angrily crossed her arms, and threw herself backwards towards Severus.

And Severus did catch her.

After a fashion.

He did get his hands on her upper arms. He even managed to hold her up for a second.

But the combination of Azalea's height, weight, added momentum of throwing herself backwards, and a head full of wavy hair and ornaments in his face, proved to be too great for the much smaller Severus, who fell backwards with Azalea sprawling on him.

Azalea was laughing hysterically, as Severus tried to crawl out from under her, pulling strands of her hair from his mouth.

"Yeah, yo' catch me!" she laughed.

"I did catch you!" Severus pointed out. "If you hadn't thrown yourself at me, I would not have fallen!"

He finished crawling out from under Azalea, who was still lying down, laughing.

"That'll be the day, when I throw myself at you!" she gasped.

Severus turned around on all fours to face her, and then punched her in her arm.

"Ouch!" she complained. "Why you do that?"

"Turn about, fair play!" Severus announced, getting up.

"Yeah, I trust you now!" Azalea grumbled, getting to her feet.

"I did catch you!" Severus reminded her.

"Yeah, I guess I trust you to catch me and then fall on yo’ ass!" she laughed, straightening her clothes.

"Well," Severus slyly mused, "at least we both end up on our asses."

Azalea laughed harder.

"Okay!" she agreed. "If I ever need to trust someone to help me fall on my ass, it'll be you, Sev!"

"Same here!" Severus chuckled. At least Azalea had not ended up mad at him for the rest of the day.

Free's parents announced that they were now going to sit in a circle, hold hands, and chant "Aum".

Free enthusiastically joined the other children in the circle. Azalea and Yesmina looked unsure, but sat in the circle anyway. The others, already having done this earlier in the day, stood looking at each other, wondering if there was some way that they could get out of it without causing too much of a scene.

Luckily, at that moment Benjie and some other men came by, and called out to the boys.

"We need help in taking down the fence -- want to come along?"

Angel, Severus, Steve and his buddies, did not need any additional prompting, and immediately sprinted after Benjie and the others as they went around the Free Kitchen.

This was the first time they had gotten a good look at the festival site since returning from the lake. Even though only a few hours had elapsed since that morning, the tent city had blossomed into a tent metropolis, and there were now thousands of people sprawled on blankets on the hillside in front of the stage, which, by the sounds of hammering drifting in their direction, was still under construction.

Still thousands of other people were walking to and fro; because of the crowd, it was hard to tell what direction they themselves were heading, and Severus put all his energy into just keeping his eye on the backs of the others.

Life can never be
Exactly like we want it to be
I could be satisfied knowing you love me

But there's one thing I want you to do
Especially for me
And it's something that everybody needs

While I'm far away from you my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
Because it's hard for me my baby
And the darkest hour is just before dawn

It seemed half the people showing up for the concert were carrying radios, all playing a different station.

"...surge much stronger than was predicted," a tinny voice announced from one radio. "It is expected to strengthen..."

At that moment, they broke through the crowd, and Severus saw that they were standing beside the fence, which someone had already started to tear down.

He wondered if the radio announcer had been talking about this concert, because on the other side of the fence was a crowd of people, behind whom was a line of even more people stretching out as far as he could see. As the fence came down, they all came surging in.

"The concert's now free!" one of Benjie's friends shouted and the crowd around them cheered as they rushed in. Steve had to grab Angel so that he wouldn't be crushed in the onslaught, and Severus sought refuge behind a section of fence that was still erect.

I hear a hurricane's a'blowing
I know the end is comin' soon
I fear the river's over flowin'
I hear the voice of rage and ruin

Don't go 'round tonight
Well, its bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

"Here, Sev!" Benjie exclaimed, handing a torn portion of the fence to him. "Just pull it and walk backwards."

By doing this, Severus, Benjie and a friend of his were able to open up the fence, but keep themselves protected by the portion that was still standing. Severus could see Angel, Steve, and some others doing the same on the other side of the opening.

Think (think-think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

Let's go back
Let's go back
Let's go way on to way back when
I didn't even know you
You couldn't a'been too much more than ten
(Just a child)

Severus pulled hard on the fence. There was something liberating in the act of destruction, in tearing down the wall. Yeah, tear down the wall, motherfucker, he thought. Now he really understood what the Up Against The Wall manifesto really meant. Everyone was connected. There should not be any walls or fences separating people.

Yeah think (think - think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

Oh freedom (freedom)
Let's have some freedom (freedom)
Oh freedom
Yeah freedom (yeah)

You got to have freedom (freedom)
Oh freedom (freedom)
You need you some freedom
Oh freedom

Severus slipped on something and fell, but he did not let go of the fence. He just pulled harder, trying to get up.

Oh-oh-oh think (think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

People walkin' around everyday
Playin' games and takin' scores
Tryin' to make other people lose their minds
Well be careful you don't lose yours

Oh think (think)
Think about what you're tryin' to do to me

Woo-hoo think (think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

Benjie laughed and helped Severus to get to his feet.

"I think that's enough," he stated.

Severus looked, and saw that between their two teams, they had opened up almost 30 feet of the fence.

"Let's move up a ways and open up the fence over there," Benjie's friend stated, indicating a portion of fence about a quarter of a mile away, near the road where it seemed tens of thousands more people were now coming.

"...a massive traffic jam on the New York State Thruway..." a tinny voice issued from yet another radio.

"Is that talking about us?" Severus asked, as Angel and the others joined them.

"Yeah!" Benjie's friend answered, laughing. "There's so many people comin' here, there's no place to park, they're leavin' their cars on the Thruway and walkin' here, man! Is that far out, or what?"

Time has come today
Young hearts can go their way
Can't put it off another day

They reached their destination, and proceeded to dismantle that portion of fence, announcing "The concert is now free!" to an appreciative crowd that rushed through the opening.

Now the time has come
No place to run
Might get burned up by the sun
But I'll have my fun

I've been loved and pushed aside
I've been crushed by a tumbling tide
And my soul has been psychedelicized
Now the time has come
There are things to realize

Severus spotted a pair of glasses with round lenses tinted a dark mauve lying on the ground. He picked them up and put them on.

"You look like John Lennon!" Angel exclaimed.

"At least I have something to wear in the sun," Severus explained, moving so that he was behind a portion of fence that was still standing.

"Well, you won't be needing them soon," Steve said, pointing to the sky.

Severus looked to where he was pointing, and saw a medium sized cloud that mushroomed farther up into the sky. It was the only sizeable cloud to be seen.

"That's a thunderhead in the making," Steve announced.

"How do you know?" Severus asked him. He had never paid close attention to clouds before.

"We have to pay attention to such things back on the farm," Steve answered. "Especially where we live. We get tornadoes out there."

Angel now shielded his eyes to stare at the cloud in question.

"Don't look like no tornado to me," he stated.

"Maybe not a tornado," Steve explained. "But we will have rain later this afternoon, you can bet on it!"

"Yeah?" Angel smirked. "Whatcha wanna bet?"

Steve hesitated, taken off guard by Angel's response.

"I've got five dollars says it's gonna rain today," Steve smiled, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a very dirty and crumpled five dollar bill and holding it out.

Angel stared at the money, and then nudged Severus with his elbow. Severus just looked at Angel, uncomprehending. Angel gave him a harder nudge.

"Ow!" Severus complained, wondering why everyone was hitting him today. "Why did you do that?"

Angel gestured his head towards Steve, but Severus still didn't understand.

"Do ya have five dollars on you?" Angel whispered through clenched teeth.

"Not on me," Severus answered, seeing no reason to whisper.

"My friend's good for it," Angel stated, turning back to Steve. "But it's back at our camp."

"Well then, there's no bet until I see your money!" Steve laughed, turning and heading back towards the Free Kitchen.

"Why you don't carry some money on you?" Angel whispered to Severus as they followed Steve.

"Why are you betting my money?" Severus asked in return.

"You said we all could have it!" Angel exclaimed.

"Not to make stupid bets with!" Severus argued.

They were still bickering as they and Steve approached the minibus with the tie-dyed canopy attached to its side, Severus could hear the same song he had heard earlier on someone's radio.

I ain't no psychiatrist
I ain't no doctor with degrees
But it don't take too much IQ
To see what you're doin' to me

You better think (think)
Think about what you're tryin' to do to me

Yeah think (think - think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

Oh freedom (freedom)
Let's have some freedom (freedom)
Oh freedom
Yeah freedom (yeah)

And indeed, they did have Freedom, as Freedom Moonbeam Butterfly was sitting under the canopy beside her parent's portable record player.

Azalea was plaiting Free's hair into many tiny braids, singing and waving back and forth to the music. Yesmina, DeWard, and Dawn were all dancing together and singing along with the record.

You got to have freedom (freedom)
Oh freedom (freedom)
You need you some freedom
Oh freedom
Ya gotta have

"We have Freedom, here!" Azalea sang out, in a surprisingly lyrical voice. "Yo' name's Freedom, yeah, Freedom, oh yo' Freedom!"

Free laughed.

Oooh, yeah think about it baby
(Whatcha tryin' to do me - think!)
Let it go baby
Think about it right now

Yeah right now
(think about forgiveness)
Whoa right now
(tell about forgiveness)
Yeah right now
(tell about forgiveness)

I need to change your mind
(think about it)
Baby baby baby woo
(tell about it...forgiveness)
Think about it baby
(tell about forgiveness)

Yeah woo-hoo
(tell about forgiveness)
Tell about it baby baby baby
(think about it…)

Steve had gone in and sat down on the other side of the record player, and perused the record albums that were placed there.

Angel and Severus came in as the one song was ending, and another began.

Oooh, what you want
Oooh, baby I got it

"Yeah!" Azalea shouted, raising both arms in the air, and then proceeded to sing along at the top of her lungs.

Oooh, what you need
Oooh, do you know I got it?

"I got it, baby!" Azalea interjected.

Oooh, all I'm askin'
Oooh, is for a little respect
When you come home (just a little bit)

"Respect, baby!" Azalea shouted, again raising her hands in the air before resuming working on Free's hair. "That's what I’m talkin' about!"

Hey baby (just a little bit)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Mister (just a little bit)

I ain't gonna do you wrong

"I ain't gonna do you no wrong!" Azalea responded in a surprisingly melodic harmony.

While you're gone

"While you're gone, baby!" Azalea sang along.

Ain't gonna do you wrong, oooh

"Won't do ya no wrong, oooh baby!"

'Cause I don't wanna, oooh

"No, I don't wanna, oooh baby!"

All I'm askin', oooh baby

"Oh, askin' ya baby!"

Is for a little respect
When you come home (just a little bit)

"Yeah, some respect, just a little bit!"

Baby (just a little bit)

"Baby! Baby!"

When you get home (just a little bit)

"Oh when you get home, baby!"

Yeah (just a little bit)

"Just a little bit"

I'm about to…

"I'm about toooo..."

Give you all of my money

"I'll keep all my money, thank you honey!" Azalea sang, laughing. It was only then that she was aware that everyone except Free was staring at her.

"What!?" Azalea exclaimed over the music. "Whatch y'all starin' at!?"

"You have a beautiful voice, Azalea," Free stated serenely.

"We never heard you sing like that," Angel stated, obviously in awe.

Oooh, your kisses, oooh
Are sweeter than honey, oooh

"Oooh, you're sweeter than honey, honey!" Azalea sang.

And guess what? Oooh,
So here's my money, oooh

"I'll still keep my money, and yours too, honey!"

All I want you to do, oooh, for me
Is give it to me when you get home

"Yeah, give it all to me when you get home!"

(re, re, re, re)
Yeah baby

"Yeah, baby, give it all to me, baby!"

(re, re, re, re)
Whip it to me

"Whip it out for me, baby!"

(Respect, just a little bit)

"Not just a little bit!"

When you get home, now
(just a little bit)

"I want all of it!"

Azalea smiled up at Severus, who suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He was not at all sure what the song was about, nor what Azalea's additional lyrics meant. He went and sat on the edge of the open side door of the minibus.

Suddenly everyone, including Free, Steve and his sister, were shouting along with the record.

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

Severus was startled. However, Steve had jumped up, and he and Angel were now dancing with Yesmina, DeWard, and Dawn as they all sang along with the record.

(Sock it to me, sock it to me)
(Sock it to me, sock it to me)

A little respect
(sock it to me, sock it to me)
(sock it to me, sock it to me)

Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)

Yesmina grabbed Severus' hands, and tried to pull him up to join with them dancing.

Severus resisted. He did not know how to dance. He did not want to look foolish.

Yesmina looked disappointed, but just shrugged and rejoined the others.

I get tired (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)

Severus reflected that today had started out with Azalea seeing him without clothes on. Maybe. Then he had sat at a table with kids he had just met and did some sort of weird chant. They all then went to the lake where there was a whole bunch of adults without clothes.

Then Free and Steve and Dawn had taken all their clothes off, and DeWard almost did. They then had a fight with fuzzy stalks of marsh grass.

This was followed by an afternoon that started out with clapping his hands over his head and shaking them to his side, followed by tapping his fingertips on Angel and Yesmina only to be tapped in return, and then being caught by Azalea as he deliberately fell backwards, only to in turn be crushed by her as she deliberately threw herself back onto him.

Then they went and almost got killed by thousands of people surging through the fences they had just pulled down.

And here he was back at the camp, sitting on the side of the minibus with a bandanna tied around his forehead, his hair pulled back into a silver barrette to which was attached a roach clip with beads and feathers on it, wearing sandals, jeans madly painted in Day-Glo, his now tie-dyed smock, a fringed suede vest with a 'Love" button on its pocket, innumerable love beads and the ankh necklace around his neck, and his just-acquired pair of mauve glasses.

How much more foolish could he get?

Severus got up, and gave dancing his best try.

You're runnin' out a'foolin'
(just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin'
(just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re)
'spect 'spect 'spect 'spect

Severus was not sure about his dancing skills, but when he joined in with the others singing, he was surprised that he was able to sing in key with the record.

When you come home
(re, re, re, re)

"Oh, when ya come home, baby!" Azalea continued to sing.

Or you might walk in
(respect, just a little bit)

"Shake it, Severus!" Azalea called out, which resulted in Severus immediately stopping shaking whatever it was he had been.

But Steve just laughed and grabbed Severus' hand to turn him around so he did not have to see Azalea looking at him.

Steve and the others continued to dance, so Severus resumed his attempts also, paying close attention to Steve and Angel to mimic what they were doing. But surprisingly, DeWard was a best dancer of them all.

And find out I'm gone
(just a little bit)
I got to have
(just a little bit)

"I gotta have it!" Azalea sang.

A little respect
(just a little bit)

"Just a little respect, baby!" Azalea continued, as the song ended and the record player stopped.

"Give me my propers, baby!" Azalea sang, still smiling up at Severus. "Just some respect, honey! And all of your money! Come on and shake it, baby! Come on and shake it, Severus!"

This reference to his name again brought Severus up short.

"Shake, shake, shake, shake, it, it, it, it, Severus!" Azalea continued to sing to the tune of the record that had just ended. She seemed singularly pleased with her own creativity.

"S-E-V-E-R-U-S!" she continued to sing. "Find out what it means to us!"

By this time, everyone else was laughing. Severus did not know whether to laugh also, or to be angry.

"S-E-V-E-R-U-S!" Azalea continued. "Why yo' always make a fuss?"

By this time both Angel and Steve had fallen to the ground, laughing. DeWard and Dawn were also laughing, and even Yesmina was chuckling. Free had a serene smile.

"Sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me..." Azalea continued, but before she could finish, Severus interrupted her.

"A-Z-A-L-E-A," he sang back at her, drawing out the 'E'. "Why are you crazy every day? A-Z-A-L-E-A, maybe now we'll get some peace I pray!"

Everyone who had been laughing stopped. Steve followed Angel's lead in crawling backwards as far away from Azalea as they could get, and DeWard grabbed Dawn and pulled her into the minibus out of harm's way.

"You have a nice voice, too, man," Free observed, still smiling serenely and seemingly oblivious to the impending danger.

However, Azalea was in too good a mood for it to change.

"Yeah, yo' voice is okay," she observed with a glint in her eye, as she continued to braid Free's hair. "But yo' can't rhyme worth shit!"

Severus sat down in the spot Steve had been sitting in, and then yawned.

The afternoon was very warm, and Yesmina, DeWard, and Dawn were already falling asleep inside the minibus.

"I'm going to take a nap," Severus announced, leaning over and grabbing a sleeping bag, which he rolled into a pillow. "Wake me when something actually happens here!"

"Good idea," Angel concurred. "The concert's going to go on late into the night once it starts, so we should get some sleep now..."

Steve was standing in the opening of the canopy, looking up at the sky. Then he turned around without saying a word and lay down next to Angel.

"You guy's sure you got that five-spot to pay up on our bet?" he asked.

"Sure," Angel answered smugly. "We're good for it."

Steve didn't say anything, just crossed his arms under his head and closed his eyes, a big grin on his face.

I'd like to play a game,
That is so much fun,
And it's not so very hard to do,
The name of the game is Simple Simon says,
And I would like for you to play it too

Put your hands in the air,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them all about,
Simple Simon says,
Do it when Simon says,
Simple Simon says,
And you will never be out.

Simple Simon says,
Put your hands on your head,
Let your back bone slip,
Simon says,
Simple Simon says,
Put your hands on your head,
Let your back bone slip,
Simon says,

Put your hands on your head,
Simple Simon says,
Bring them down by your side,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them to your left,
Simple Simon Says,
Now shake them to your right,

Put your hands on your head,
Simple Simon says,
Bring them down by your side,
Simple Simon says,
Shake them to your left,
Simple Simon Says,
Now shake them to your right,

Now that you have learnt,
To play this game with me,
You can see its not so hard to do,
Lets try it once again,
This time more carefully,
And I hope the winner will be you.

Clap your hands in the air,
Simple Simon says,
Do it double time,
Simple Simon says,
Slow it down like before,
Simple Simon says,
Ah, your looking fine.
Simple Simon says,

Now clap them high in the air,
Simple Simon says,
Do it double time,
Simple Simon says,
Slow it down like before,
Simple Simon says,
Ah, your looking fine..

The 1910 Fruitgum Company

While I'm far away from you my baby
I know it's hard for you my baby
Because it's hard for me my baby
And the darkest hour is just before dawn

Each night before you go to bed my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
And tell all the stars above
This is dedicated to the one I love

Life can never be
Exactly like we want it to be
I could be satisfied knowing you love me

But there's one thing I want you to do
Especially for me
And it's something that everybody needs

While I'm far away from you my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
Because it's hard for me my baby
And the darkest hour is just before dawn

If there's one thing I want you to do
Especially for me
And it's something that everybody needs

Each night before you go to bed my baby
Whisper a little prayer for me my baby
And tell all the stars above
This is dedicated to the one I love

This is dedicated to the one I love
This is dedicated to the one I love
This is dedicated to the one I love
This is dedicated...

The Mamas and The Papas

I see the bad moon arising
I see trouble on the way
I see earthquakes and lightnin'
I see bad times today

Don't go 'round tonight
Well, its bound to take your life
There's a bad moon on the rise

I hear a hurricane's a'blowing
I know the end is comin' soon
I fear river's over flowin'
I hear the voice of rage and ruin


All right!
Hope you got your things together
Hope you are quite prepared to die
Looks like were in for nasty weather
One eye is taken for an eye



Credence Clearwater Revival

You better think (think)
Think about what you're tryin' to do to me

Think (think-think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

Let's go back
Let's go back
Let's go way on to way back when
I didn't even know you
You couldn't a'been too much more than ten
(Just a child)

I ain't no psychiatrist
I ain't no doctor with degrees
But it don't take too much IQ
To see what you're doin' to me

You better think (think)
Think about what you're tryin' to do to me

Yeah think (think - think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

Oh freedom (freedom)
Let's have some freedom (freedom)
Oh freedom
Yeah freedom (yeah)

You got to have freedom (freedom)
Oh freedom (freedom)
You need you some freedom
Oh freedom
Ya gotta have

Hey! Think about it
You! think about it

There ain't nothin' you could ask
I could answer you but I won't (I won't)

But I was gonna change ya I'm not if
You keep doin' things I don't (don't)

You better think (think)
Think about what you're tryin' to do to me
(What you're tryin' ta do to me

Oh-oh-oh think (think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

People walkin' around everyday
Playin' games and takin' scores
Tryin' to make other people lose their minds
Well be careful you don't lose yours

Oh think (think)
Think about what you're tryin' to do to me

Woo-hoo think (think)
Let your mind go let yourself be free

You need me (need me)
And I need you (don'tcha know?)
Without each other
There ain't nothin' we two can do

Oooh, yeah think about it baby
(Whatcha tryin' to do me - think!)
Let it go baby
Think about it right now

Yeah right now
(think about ...forgiveness)
Whoa right now
(tell about ...forgiveness)
Yeah right now
(tell about ...forgiveness)

I need to change your mind
(think about it)
Baby baby baby woo
(tell about it...forgiveness)
Think about it baby
(tell about forgiveness)


Yeah woo-hoo
(tell about forgiveness)
Tell about it baby baby baby
(think about it..)

Aretha Franklin

Oooh, what you want
Oooh, baby I got
Oooh, what you need
Oooh, do you know I got it?
Oooh, all I'm askin'
Oooh, is for a little respect
When you come home (just a little bit)

Hey baby (just a little bit)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Mister (just a little bit)

I ain't gonna do you wrong
While you're gone
Ain't gonna do you wrong, oooh
'Cause I don't wanna, oooh
All I'm askin', oooh
Is for a little respect
When you come home (just a little bit)
Baby (just a little bit)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

I'm about to give you all of my money
And all I'm askin' in return, honey
Is to give me my propers
When you get home
(just a, just a, just a, just a)
Yeah baby
(just a, just a, just a, just a)
When you get home (just a little bit)
Yeah (just a little bit)

Oooh, your kisses, oooh
Are sweeter than honey, oooh
And guess what? Oooh,
So here's my money, oooh
All I want you to do, oooh, for me
Is give it to me when you get home
(re, re, re ,re)
Yeah baby
(re, re, re ,re)
Whip it to me
(respect, just a little bit)
When you get home, now
(just a little bit)

Find out what it means to me
Take care, TCB

(Sock it to me, sock it to me)
(Sock it to me, sock it to me)

A little respect
(sock it to me, sock it to me)
(sock it to me, sock it to me)

Whoa, babe (just a little bit)
A little respect (just a little bit)
I get tired (just a little bit)
Keep on tryin' (just a little bit)

You're runnin' out a'foolin'
(just a little bit)
And I ain't lyin'
(just a little bit)
(re, re, re, re) 'spect

When you come home
(re, re, re ,re)
Or you might walk in
(respect, just a little bit)
And find out I'm gone
(just a little bit)
I got to have
(just a little bit)
A little respect
(just a little bit)

Aretha Franklin

LiveJournal Tags: woodstock,1969,severus snape,azalea wanetta,angel olivera,yesmina torres,free swann,steve temple,dawn temple,deward emmett,simon says,1910 fruitgum company,i'm ok you're ok,sensitivity training,this is dedicated to the one i love,the mamas and the papas,bad moon rising,credence clearwater revival,think,respect,aretha franklin,hurricane camille,august 15 1969,beautiful people

respect, sensitivity training, hurricane camille, think, steve temple, azalea wanetta, yesmina torres, free swann, 1910 fruitgum company, august 15 1969, this is dedicated to the one i love, deward emmett, dawn temple, i'm ok you're ok, woodstock, 1969, angel olivera, credence clearwater revival, beautiful people, bad moon rising, the mamas and the papas, simon says, aretha franklin, severus snape

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