Jan 31, 2012 06:39
Okay, you're supposed to post a one word comment starting with the third letter of your LJ username, and then repost this meme. But since most everyone I know on LJ has already done this, mine is probably the end of the line! LOL
Anyhoo, my response to Droxy's meme prompt was "Joyful", because yesterday was the last day I had to deal with crazy landlady (barring her suing me, which is a distinct possibility)...and the temp job I've only been at a week and a half yesterday asked if I'd mind working 4pm to midnight. When I indicated that I actually love 2nd shift, I was told that they're looking for a tech support position for those hours, and would I have a problem with being sent for training? =:-o
I've always been amazed when employers ask if I'd like additional training or not! Like who would say no?
So I'm not sure if this means I'm still going to be working for the temp agency or brought on as the company's employee...but the fact that they're offering me a position they need filled, and are willing to train me for it, shows that it's at least going to be much more long term than the original position I (and several others from the same temp agency) were sent to fill...
Now I just have to completely finish moving to be totally ecstatic! LOL