Nov 17, 2008 09:34
She falls back into the motions of fighter pilot like she never stopped. She kisses her son goodbye, holds him tight, tells him that she loves him so very very much before clinging to Wes. They kiss, they part, she leaves.
She's the XO for the most prestigious squadron in the fleet. Her. Inyri Forge. The stupid little girl who left home with Zekka Thyne, got addicted to drugs, was extremely lucky in who helped her, had the most turbulent ride on the emotional roller coaster ever, got pregnant, unmarried. Her. It still seems ridiculous even as she stands next to Gavin, looking at the new pilots and the list of names on her datapad.
Maybe she does deserve this, this really great position with these really whiny brats (was that Jaina Solo? Oh gods) as her new pilots. Hell, they have to be good to be working for Rogue Squadron, right?
Nine die in battle before she can write home.
They all tell her the same thing; It's not her fault...blame the enemy. Keep fighting.
She keeps fighting...and then there's too much going on, no one covering her 'cause everyone has their own enemy to worry about and she knows she's hit. She can smell the burning, feel the shuddering as her ship stops working. There's an intense pain in her abdomen and an inability to breathe properly and she's sure she's dead. Her fingers are bloody when she reaches up for the holos tucked into the framework of her fighter.
She wakes up in a bacta tank and they pull her out and she chokes on the tube down her throat. They tell her she's in transit for Coruscant, she's going home. She isn't sure how she feels about this.
Wes and Cal pick her up from the hospital three days after she gets in. Cal sits in her lap on the cab ride home, playing with her hair. She doesn't let him go for the remainder of the day and he doesn't seem to mind, like he knows his mother needs this. They curl on the couch and watch holo after holo, Cal singing along softly.
Wes puts him to bed and makes Inyri follow him to theirs. He kisses her and it's a hard, desperate kiss. She almost died. She should be dead, she knows this. Instead she's here, unbuttoning Wes' shirt as he slides his hands down her pants.
Weeks later, the Vong invade Coruscant space.
A frantic comm beeps as Inyri grabs things she's sure they'll need, things she can't bear to part with (and it's not much, clothes, a few precious things Cal made her, his favourite stuffed animal) and Wes grabs it. It's Iella and she's making sure they're leaving, 'cause she's about to go and do they know where they're going yet?
They're one of the last ships off and able to jump before the Vong start capturing. Cal's crying and Inyri's knuckles are white until they jump three more times and head to Tanaab. They stay with Wes' mother (a new lesson in patience for Inyri) and he trains a new squadron and they get wind of Borleias and Wedge Antilles.
Carefully pulling her son's arms into a jacket, Inyri breathes in the cool air of Tanaab's crisp autumn. There's a change on the air and she's ready. Ready to plunge herself back into danger, if only to change the world for her son.