(no subject)

Feb 18, 2008 23:19

Ruki's House
...You guys know how special these two are when combined by now.
Backlogged: 13th February

Ruki had no clue what time it was. Didn't even matter; nothing did, because he was suffering a temporary case of insomnia and lack of hunger, and if there was anything that threw him out of whack it was being unable to eat and sleep. He was increasingly agitated by every second that passed, not at all used to a situation where he found himself thinking too much.

Even Jerry Springer wasn't enough to calm him down.

Maybe it was time to just admit the fact that seeing the injustice of an 18 year old dying under his own roof of the very illness that he was so afraid of had been sort of depressing and move the fuck through it, but... he really didn't want to. So he just turned the TV off and curled up on the couch, fully intent on falling asleep even if it meant dying in the process.

Reita had finally grown bored of trying to hold an immature, pathetic little grudge against Ruki's entire household. As much as he hated to admit it to himself, he missed everyone who lived there and missed feeling at home somewhere - in fact, it kind of felt like he hadn't even been home for weeks. His own house was small and somehow it felt strangely lonely in comparison.

So he found himself at the front door of the impressive home once again, fully resigned to the fact that he would just have to forgive the couple who lived there for not calling him immediately despite the fact that they almost definitely had more important things to worry about in their current situation.

He gave a loud knock, accompanied by a soft sigh.

....Ugh. Ruki didn't want to answer for a moment, but the knock reminded him of someone, and if it happened to be Reita behind the door, then it was probably best to drag his ass out of bed and open the door for him.

...Not to mention have a fucking key made. The guy lived there now, after all; why did he have to knock to get in most of the time?

He stood up slowly, moving at an impressively slothlike pace to open the door and see that, indeed, it was his friendly fuckbuddy. "Hi there. I thought you were dead again."

The blonde had practically been ready to leave again by the time Ruki actually opened the door. He looked a little...worn out. Just stressed, maybe. But he didn't really care, walking in as if he owned the place as he always did.

"Oh, I'm touched that you remember me." There was the slightest hint of annoyance in his voice, but most of all he was just glad to be back 'home' and felt an overwhelming sense of relief wash over him once he was inside. "...How've you been doing?"

What else could he say that didn't involve bluntly telling the other he had been an ass for not calling?

Ruki could have sworn that Reita sounded annoyed, but he didn't care just yet. If there was something to be dealt with then he'd wait until Reita was screaming at him. That was how he usually went about things.

Though at that moment, arguing with Reita did not sound like fun. Talking didn't sound like fun, either, but he couldn't just go try to sleep after not seeing the guy for, like, a decade.

"Fucking wretched," he murmured, never one to lie. "As of a few days ago, anyway. Yourself?"

"Great. I've been great." The reply came almost too fast, because the last thing Reita intended to do was to make it at all obvious that any of the things he would inevitably end up complaining about had actually bothered him, even if only a little.

So he focused on the shorter man instead, for now. "'Fucking wretched', huh? Did something happen? Or are you just hormonal?" He frowned, genuinely curious about what could possibly distress Ruki almost half as much as the loss of his precious sunglasses had.
"Temari died."
He said it without hesitation, as if it were just a typical occurence in his house, in his life- but it wasn't, and he flinched as soon as he heard the words come out of his mouth. It occurred to him that Reita probably didn't even know who Temari was.

...Well, maybe they'd interacted. Oh, well. He wasn't going to talk about it too much unless Reita asked.

"Just this past weekend." Had it only been a couple days? Felt like an eternity.

"...Oh." Reita only knew vaguely of the boy, hadn't spoken a word to him and so found it sort of hard to care deep down, but...well, it always was kind of sad to hear about anyone who didn't deserve it dying."Well, I'm sorry to hear that." He fucking hated having to feign sympathy, so those half hearted words were really all he had to offer before shrugging and beginning to remove his shoes at the door.

Even a guy like him knew when it was appropriate to whine and complain about things but now was obviously not one of those times. "Did I miss anything else?" A gentle, prodding question, just to see what the other would say, if anything.

"Um...." A small shrug. "Just a lot of crying and shitting and breast feeding. I dunno." Their lives had been hectic, certainly, but it was surely nothing that would interest Reita. Baby maintenance wasn't exactly a good topic of conversation for the two of them, and so it was probably a good idea to change the subject.

"How's the self rehab going?" Not well, he expected. If there was anything about junkies it was that cold turkey didn't work, especially with all kinds of access to whatever they were trying to get off. He wasnt about to point that out, though. Not on that day.

Reita frowned. "...I guess it's a good thing someone bothered to tell me you had a kid now or I'd be kinda disturbed about what you do in your spare time, huh." It wasn't really worth getting so angry over and he knew it, but he was stubborn, and there was no chance he would willingly admit how stupid it was.

"And it's going great. Wonderfully, even." A slightly twisted version of the truth; he was doing okay, but he had slipped up a few times and that meant very little real progress when it came down to it. Oh well.

Huh? Ruki stared at Reita in great confusion, clearly unsure of what the fuck he was talking about. Someone?

"...You mean I didn't?"

Oops. He'd been really preoccupied, but had sort of assumed that he'd called Reita without really giving it much thought.

"I really thought I did." A shrug. It really didn't matter anymore, not in the light of all the things that were going on at the moment.

Reita's instinct told him not to back down - rather, it told him to become more irate. But Ruki's expression didn't lie, and it was obvious he had just been a little preoccupied.

Unforgivable - he liked the world to revolve around him after all, but he'd let it slide.

"....You didn't, and it offended me, but whatever. I'm back now anyway 'cause I missed you guys."

"...It offended you?" Ruki wasn't used to relationships, obviously. It seemed like common sense that people would want to know huge things in lives of the people they were supposed to be friends with, but he couldn't wrap his head around why it would matter.

He was a little screwed up, really.
Oh, well.

"I'm sorry, then." Totally sincere, because he actually wanted Reita to be there and be nice, suddenly. He didn't need him, of course- didn't need anyone, but he wanted him there. "But stop fucking leaving all the time. Please."

"I just felt wrong not knowing." Oh whatever, it wasn't quite so easy to stay pissed off at someone he actually cared about face to face...and apparently his stubborn absence had been unpleasant for the both of them.

But he couldnt help but raise an eyebrow at Ruki's last words...well, his sense of value in this home was restored. "Anyway, I forgive you and I won't go away without warning again. Promise." The blonde had intended to come here incredibly angry and in the mood for a good argument but as it turned out he now felt completely placid, more relieved than anything to be home and to hear that he had been missed.

No need to try be a complete hardass about it either, and that was why he loved it so much.

"Good. Cause..."

A sigh. Ruki couldn't remember the last time he'd been this worn out. Not sleeping for 16 hours a day was really fucking him up, for some reason. How sad. Maybe he was of a different species after all.

"Things are really shitty here. So please make my life suck a little less right now."

Somehow, anyhow. He didn't care if Reita wanted to tie him up and fuck him for the next 14 hours if it meant he'd forget the look on his wife's face.

Reita just looked a little lost for a second before deciding a damn hug always said it better than any of the insensitive words he knew he would come out his own mouth did. Arms wrapped loosely around the smaller man before tightening around him in a genuine act of concern - what else could he do?

He had never been very comforting, they both knew that. But right now he'd give it a little try at least, if only because seeing Ruki like this was sort of alarming. "It'll be okay, you know..."

"Yeah, I know." It was always okay eventually, if only because he got bored of it not being okay. Maybe something was wrong with him, but he wasn't complaining. "Maybe tomorrow."

Or the next day.

"For me, at least. Not for my wife or my sister or that employee of yours or... Kyo, probably. Or that kid's parents. God, death fucking sucks." He sighed, then finally hugged the blonde back.

"Don't think so much about it." Easier said than done, for most - death was generally unpleasant, of course, but Reita had seen enough of it to be at least slightly desensitized to hearing about people dying - after seeing someone's throat cut, a shot to the head...it all just sort of didn't matter very much. That said, perhaps it was his active involvement in ending a few lives that did it. "It'll be okay for everyone in the end." It always was - right?

But he couldn't think of anything else remotely comforting to say, so he just let the embrace linger for a while as eyes narrowed in thought. He was far more concerned for 'that employee' of his, as Ruki put it.

"...I'm kinda worried about Mao. So many things just fuck up for him." Guilt washed over him - even he had been completely inconsiderate to the teenager just recently, and now he wished he hadn't. There had never been room for regrets in life...but now that the blonde actually cared about a few select people, it was completely different.

Ruki flinched at the thought. "Yeah, uh... I don't think he's doing too awesome." Based on what Olivia had said, anyway. And it was disturbing for him, not that he gave a shit about Mao, but every time something happened to that kid everyone he knew really freaked out and hired hitmen and sweet fuck why didn't they just send that kid to therapy?

"Based on what Hana said, at least. I dunno."

He shrugged, suddenly not wanting to talk about any of this anymore. Why couldn't they just go fuck around like they always did, regardless of what was happening at that moment?

"Don't tell me things like that." The blonde bit his lip - he was well over pretending not to care about the teenager or the people who lived in this house.

Mao was a good worker, he was pretty damn likable for a kid, and the last thing Reita wanted to know was that Mao wasn't coping well because even if he had the best intentions, there was absolutely nothing he could do to help. What good had any of his previous cheering up attempts done? None at all, really.

"Let's...not talk about it anymore."

Ruki couldn't have agreed more. "Yeah, a change of subject would be nice." Anything at all- he really didn't fucking care as long as he didn't have to think about this anymore. It was tiring, but still prevented him from falling asleep.

How unfair.

"What have you been doing?" Besides trying to quit cocaine, of course. Ruki was genuinely interested in what the blonde had been off doing for weeks. Surely it would make a great story.

"Not much. Working, but I'm fed up of those fucking idiots so I think I just..won't, this week." A break sounded good. Incredibly good - business, so to speak, was going well but Reita was hardly the world's hardest worker. He had worked his way up to the position he wanted and now he felt he had the right to relax whenever the hell he wanted.

"So unless you feel like indulging in some illegal gambling, I don't think I have anything to tell you that'll excite you too much. And I'm enjoying being mostly sober." He meant it - it was nice to have some self control over his temper and actually being able to hold back from saying things that just shouldn't be said sometimes - now if only he could resist the occasional temptation to turn back to drugs everything would be just wonderful in that department.

"Aw, man." Ruki pouted. "I was hoping you'd have some awesome story about how some guy blew some other guy's head off and made wallpaper of his brains." Not that he actually believed that stuff happened every day in Reita's choice of career.

He just liked to pretend it did.

"...Wanna meet my kid?" Totally random, but looking at Sou had made him feel better for the past few days. When Sou was asleep, at least.

"...Wow. That's fucked up, maybe you should come work with me." Not that he could see Ruki doing very well amongst people who took a lot of things to heart. He imagined it would probably be his brain that was used to make the wallpaper, in fact.

He wasn't very good with kids, as if that wasn't obvious, but.. "Yeah, why not. Is he cute?" All babies were cute, right? And they liked to drool and shit themselves. Everything Reita didn't really like to see when meeting a new person. But he was going to have to live with this baby, so he'd have to live with it.

"That sounds dangerous." Ruki couldn't imagine being in a room with 25 people who were just like Reita, only probably a lot more severe- and a lot more drug addicted... and a lot more egotistical. It shouldn't be possible, any of it, but he knew it was. "I think I'll skip out on take your fuckbuddy to work day, thanks."

He nodded towards his room. "C'mon. Of course he's cute, Hana and I made him." Ruki was already feeling slightly better thanks to the change in subject. Sometimes, he really just needed someone to hang out with- and Reita never failed to keep him entertained.

Damn. I could use a good fuck to relieve stress at work." He wasn't sure how much of that was a joke, but at the end of the day it wouldn't have been a very good idea anyway.

"True...maybe he'll be like his Dad when he grows up." Was that idea wonderful? Awful? Both at the same time? God, he hoped the other man wasn't going to try and get him to hold it or something because he'd need about a month to get used to it even existing first.

"I hope to God he is not." Ruki wasn't at all expecting Reita to hold Sou. He was a little silly, but he wasn't utterly delusional. "The only reason I like me is because I have to be me."

If even that.

"But one is enough." He gently patted Sou on the head. "He has many different influences. I'm sure he'll turn out to be very well rounded and fucked up." There was no avoiding it- but his parents were shit and he'd turned out... somewhat functional.

Reita tilted his head, looking at the baby in vague confusion. It couldn't talk, obviously..in fact, it probably couldn't do very much yet. But yeah, he was pretty cute. "Uh..hi." He gave a small wave, totally expecting the poor kid to burst into tears at any moment. That was generally what happened.

But he didn't instantly despise him, so that was a good sign.

He looked to Ruki and gave a small smile. "...I think I can get used to him, as long as he doesn't puke on me."

Ruki nodded. "He's pretty good. Though I fear if he is with Kai too much, his first word will be 'master', and that's usually not a sign of good health later in life."

Sou was almost a month old now, he was pretty sure. He had been born January 20th, which meant...


"Hey, what is the date today?"

Reita snickered. "Well, I won't talk to him too much or his first word may be something even worse than that could ever be." He gave a helpless shrug in response to Ruki's question, not even having bothered to keep track for the past couple of days.

He thought hard for a moment. "...February 13th. I think. Don't actually trust me when I say that."

February 13th. Oh, shit. Ruki suddenly felt really fucking stupid.

"Motherfucker. I've aged." He scowled. Now he wasn't 25 anymore- hadn't been for weeks, and that was depressing, because 25 was a really good number. Easy to remember. 26 was just...


And now he was more than a quarter of being 100. Ugh.

"What the hell do you mean, you've aged?" A stupid question maybe, but it was kind of hard to believe that someone could honestly miss their birthday, which was the impression he was getting. "Are you telling me you forgot your own birthday?"

Who the fuck did that? Birthdays were an excuse to celebrate, either get extremely drunk or just have a lot of fun. Ruki was weird, but this was really bordering on insane. "Didn't you at least have a party or open presents or something?!"

"Nope." And he wanted to shrug it off, but he did feel pretty fucking dumb for this. Ruki usually managed to at least acknowledge that he was a year older and go buy himself a burger, but this year it had just...

Slipped his mind.

For thirteen fucking days.

"I somehow managed to forget for nearly two weeks. Cool, huh?" He shrugged. "I blame Sou."

"...What the hell? I'll take you out for dinner or something. That's just screwed up, Rooks. You can't go without a birthday." He looked to the baby again and shrugged. "Look, don't blame him, he doesn't even know what the hell is going on."

Damn, he really was kind of cute. Why hadn't his kids been so cute? They all came out looking like rats. He wasn't quite sure what that said about his genes, but it wasn't good. Maybe he had just grown to appreciate babies more now that he was a few years older himself?

"...Will you really? That's so nice. No one's done that before." Ruki was genuinely flattered, even if he was being called a dumbass at the same time, because aside from Kyo no one had really given a shit. Maybe that was why he never had.

Oh, well. Whatever.

"Yeah, I know. I mean he is a lot to deal with. I'm learning to align my sleeping pattern with his to give Hana a break." Because really, he did care if his kid grew up at least slightly stable, and he'd heard the first few years of someone's life were crucial.

"Yeah? Maybe you're not such a bad dad after all." Ruki seemed to care, really, and he slept enough to make and adjustments to his sleeping pattern seem like one hell of a lot of effort to go through for a baby.

"And of course I will, I'm not having you go without some kind of birthday celebration. I'll even make sure they come out and sing to you like idiots and give you free cake." And he'd have to buy him a present...wow. He was no good with presents. It'd be sunglasses, without a doubt.

...Yeah. Maybe. Aside from the fact that he was a drug dealer, of course. What would Sou tell the other kids when they asked what his dad did? He wanted to encourage him to never lie, so that was a problem. Maybe Sou just wouldn't go to school, ever.

"I find it alarming when people sing to me." Though that would just make Reita want to do it more, probably. Oh, well; it would make for a funny story, especially if they were so annoying that Reita threw a fork at one of them.

...Yeah, that would be pretty awesome.

"Even for your birthday? Fine, no singing, then." And only because it was for his birthday - at any other time, making the other feel alarmed would be endlessly amusing. "But you're having the tacky cake."

"Anyway, speaking of food...I'm kinda hungry. Do you have anything other than baby food in the house or am I gonna have to go and get myself something?" God damn, he really didn't feel like actually going anywhere again that day. And he especially didn't feel like spending money

"Sou drinks tit milk," was the only response Ruki gave before heading back to the kitchen, assuming Reita would follow. Do you have food was a dumb question- in a house full of gluttons, how could they not?

Somehow, it seemed, there were never any less than four people and Kai living in his house. He'd grown dependent on company, which was bad, because any of them (besides Kai) could fuck him over at any time. Oh, well.

"What do you want? I sent Kai shopping so we could all binge ourselves out of depression for the next few weeks."

"Well I dunno, I thought you might be hoarding a fridgeful of liquified dinner in case he suddenly decides he wants real food." Dammit, even Ruki knew how to look after a baby far better than he did. But he followed anyway, because he was still feeling absolutely famished.

"Oh please, I'm not making any effort and neither are you, I'll just make myself a sandwich. Want one?" He didn't wait for a reply, simply opening the fridge and beginning to rummage through it until he found some unidentifiable substance that looked like it would taste good wedged between two slices of bread. "I dunno what this is, but we're both eating it. Sit down and relax some more."

Ruki generally avoided eating things he didn't recognize, but as long as Reita died with him it would be okay- not that Kai would kill them, of course. He ran a hand through his bangs before watching the gangster again.

"You're being insanely considerate." And he usually would be weirded out, but somehow Reita always knew the time to be nice. He really wasn't as much of a scumbag as he thought he was. "Thanks."

Maybe this was just how Reita acted after he didn't see someone for a long time. Fair enough.
The blonde glanced over at his friend, pausing his efforts to create something vaguely edible. "You're not having the best time, what do you expect me to do?" Be an asshole, probably, and he frowned as he looked back to the half made sandwich in front of him because usually it would have been right to expect that.

Thank fuck he was doing something about it. At least that attitude could be saved for work now, most of the time. He couldn't even understand how he coped with being so worked up and aggressive all the time - it was much nicer to be able to relax once one got home.

"...Anyway, it's just a damn sandwich, I didn't save your life or anything." He grinned, pleased with his creation and put it on a plate before handing it to Ruki. "So just eat it already and tell me it tastes good." A laugh that seemed slightly uneasy for no apparent reason before he turned away again to prepare his own food.

"You don't know that. I could've rotted away on my couch if you hadn't come knocking on my door." Of course, he didn't really think that would've happened, but whatever. He shrugged and took a bite of the sandwich.

...What was that Reita had put on there?
Alien lunch meat?

"It's good. Hurry up and come sit by me." He didn't give a damn if he sounded even the tiniest bit needy- which was good, because he probably did.

"I'm pretty sure even you're capable of getting off the couch before you rot away." Ruki sounded strangely insistent about having someone to sit with, so Reita didn't even bother to pack the food away once he had completed his second little culinary work of art. Rather, he just took a seat next to his friend.

"What, did you get lonely eating your sandwich or something?" He took a bite of his own food, shrugging. "Tastes okay. Still dunno what it is."
"I got bored." Indeed, it only took about twenty second for Ruki to get bored, and if there was anything he hated it was boredom. It was a sign that his mind was returning to normal, though, and that was a good thing.

"...Y'know," he murmured, "I think that damn DVD you nearly shot my head off for ate itself." A random thought, indeed, but it was kind of true, because that thing had never shown up. Maybe he'd broken it in half without remembering? Doubtful. He could usually remember when he did things out of the ordinary.

"Yeah?" Reita could only laugh and shrug. "Well, too fucking bad about the DVD. I guess you'll just have to be stuck with me hanging around here." He took another bite of his sandwich, pretty confident by now that Ruki had absolutely no complaints about that these days...had he ever really complained?

Maybe for the first hour or so.

"I'm not feeling too creative today, isn't food enough to keep you entertained?" God, how demanding. It was meant to be a time of relaxation, mostly.

"Until it's gone." Which it almost was. "And then I want to nap because I haven't slept well and that really doesn't work for me." To say the least. He was sure Reita wouldn't object to a nap- he never did, after all.

"And next month we should all go to America."

Yeah, that sounded good. If Mao and Kyo were going to Norway then they were all going to go to America. Or maybe Canada. Or possibly even Paraguay. That was a pretty fun word.

"A nap? What if I don't wanna take a nap today?" Reita smirked, though he assumed his indirect refusal would be taken as the joke it was because really, when did he ever say no to an afternoon snooze?

"And I bet you wanna go to America for the burgers." He gave a short laugh then - he had missed that too, poking fun at the other just because he could and he hoped Ruki could take it as lightly as he was, even if he was having a bit of a rough time.

"I do not care if you want to take a nap. I do. I'm sleep deprived." His idea of sleep deprived, anyway- which meant he was getting slightly less than a normal person. And now seemed like the perfect time for a 10 hour nap. If Reita was there, it would probably easier since he wasn't used to sleeping alone anymore- but he wasn't about to admit that.

"I can get burgers here, man. I just want to get out of Japan." A shrug. "I went to buy Kyo plane tickets for his birthday and got inspired." He couldn't imagine why Reita would deny the chance to go somewhere more exotic than Ruki's living room or his video store.

"Luckily I kinda missed the warmth of your bed so I'll agree to a nap if I get cuddles." He hadn't been used to it either...it sucked, being alone in bed. But then again, being in a serious relationship of any sort sucked too so if it came down to it, he wasn't about to give any of this up for the world. A few weeks of stubborness had been more than enough.

"...Wait, you're serious?" He didn't do holidays, mostly because he never had any reason to. His life was already nothing but a long holiday with a bit of half-assed work scattered throughout.

"Yes, certainly." Ruki was more than used to Reita's cuddle addiction, as his bizarre as it had seemed in the beginning of his stay there. He'd even learned to appreciate it, miss it when Reita pulled one of his disappearing acts.

"And of course I'm serious. You thought I was kidding?" He frowned. "What's the point of being rich if I don't ever go anywhere cool?" And it was true that he hadn't left Japan in years. possibly not even since his parents had disappeared.

How sad.

"Awesome." Reita finished picking at the remains of his sandwich, pushing the plate aside because there was no way in hell anything was going to convince him to clean up after himself. "Maybe I'll even give you a good night kiss. I remember how you freaked out the first time I did that..." He couldn't hold back a quiet snigger - god, he had been obnoxious, and it had gotten him far, it seemed.

"...I've never really been on a proper holiday." China and Korea, a few times but mostly on business. Nothing really interesting. Good thing he met a wide variety of fucked up people through work or he would have been completely uncultured. His eyes lit up suddenly. "Can I rent a bike?! They have huge roads, right? I'm renting a bike."

A small smirk. "Yeah, well, you surprised me then." It had probably been the most frightening kiss he'd ever received, but at that point it was just as hilarious as every other issue he and Reita had had with each other.

...Including the date rape, as fucked up as that had been.

"I haven't in a while." Most people really didn't get to vacation very much, which was sad, because if there was anything he hated about Japan it was that everyone worked so goddamn much. Why didn't they ever try to breathe? "And I think you need a license to ride a motorcycle in other countries, but I suppose it would make a good story if we all got arrested." A shrug.

"That was my intention." A grin - he liked Ruki too much to really get the same joy out of making his life a misery these days, but the occasional stupid prank really did no harm.

But he only rolled his eyes at his friend's next statement. "You've been on my bike. They won't be able to catch us to arrest us even if they do find out I haven't got a license over there." Far too self confident? Always had been, always would be. "I'll even promise not to get us killed cause I think I'd just prefer to die in my home country, really."

Ruki wasn't so sure about that logic. Going fast would probably just make it worse, wouldn't it? After all, if they could accelerate, so could the police- but he wasn't going to dismantle Reita's fantasy, of course.

"All right. Our goal should be able to get the American police to chase us across the entire country." Yeah, that really would make a good story- if they made it back to have anyone to share it with.

The blonde's eyes only lit up even more, and he gave an enthusiastic nod, fully expecting the other to be completely serious about it. "I can do that! Across a whole state, at least. And they still won't catch us. Let's go to America." The idea had seemed strange five minutes ago, but now it was pretty damn appealing.

"Anyway, I won't be an ass and delay your nap, c'mon." He stood, tilting his head and motioning for the other man to follow. "I'm not carrying you today, sorry. I only do that when I want sex."

It really seemed like a dumb idea, but at the same time, it was so awesome- if they could pull it off, at least. Yes, they were definitely going to America and breaking as many laws as they could without getting caught. It was all he could do not to try to smuggle heroin onto the airplane just to get away with it.

"I can walk." He stood and stretched. "I'm not that pathetic. Let's go." He wandered up the stairs and back to his bedroom, amazed at how much better he already felt even if he hadn't had an extended nap yet.

"I never said you were pathetic. I just implied that you were lazy." But he said no more, simply tugging his shirt off and flinging it aside once he was in the smaller man's room. And it was damn cold without it on, so he crawled under the covers as quickly as possible.

"Hurry up or I'll freeze to death and then we can't go piss America off." A snicker - if they actually did this, it would possibly be one of the most utterly idiotic things they had ever done, and they really didn't do anything that wasn't stupid when they were together.

It always sort of made Reita feel like a teenager again..it was kind of nice.

Ruki wasted no time climbing under the covers, all too relieved to see some sign of normalcy again. Or, in their case, abnormal was normal and anything that reminded of him of his life before all of this just ind of sucked.

He couldn't tell if they were serious about pissing America off, and he really didn't care; one thing was for sure, though- they were definitely capable of it.

"Don't steal all my body heat." Not that he had that much to steal, anyway. Maybe he'd turn the heat up later. Later as in, like, tomorrow.

"Oh, quit whining. You can just cuddle up with me and you'll stay warm." He wrapped his arms tightly around Ruki, only to shut him up, before letting his eyes fall closed - he hadn't really realised how tired he was.

Would they even get up again today? Not likely.

"...I really missed this," he admitted quietly, as if it was embarassing. It sort of was - he had accepted that he actually wanted to be around a few people now, but it still didn't really feel right. "I'm glad I came back."
"I am, too." Ruki snuggled further against Reita, more than appreciative of having someone next to him who he didn't have to comfort- not that he minded helping Olivia as best he could, but he was getting pretty worn out.

"Next time you're gone for more than two days I'm sending out a search party." He wasn't sure if he was serious or not, but it didn't matter, because hopefully Reita would stop doing that.

And on that note, he closed his eyes, fully intent on sleeping until the next afternoon.

log, reita, ruki

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