.:Stole it from Sarah:.
1. do you like anyone?: meh -shrugs-
2. do they know it?: maybe?
4. Has anyone bought you anything?: Yes
5. Bought something?: Yes
6. Gotten sick?: Yush ;_;
7. Been hugged?: XD I live off of hugs
8. Felt stupid?: Nah
9. Talked to an ex?: yup, Chris called and I spent the day with John
10. Missed someone?: Yes Oo;
11. Failed a test: Yes. -.- I hate physics
13. Danced crazy: XD of course
14. Gotten your hair cut?: Nope
15. Lied?: Nope
16. Any nervous habits?: I scratch the back of my neck
17. Are you double jointed?: Yes
18. Can you roll your tongue?: No
19. Can you raise one eyebrow? Kinda
20. can you cross your eyes? Yup :P
21. Do you make your bed daily?: XD you’re funny
23. Said "I Love you" and meant it: Not in that sense
24. Given money to a homeless person?: Yes
26. Waited all night for a phone call that never came?: I don’t even need to respond to that
27. Snuck out?: Nope
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: Yush ^_^
29. Do you swear?: Yes
30. Do you ever spit?: Gross
31. You cook your own food?: If I have inspiration.
32. You do your own chores?: I work my way around them
33. You like beef jerky?: Yes
34. pepsi or coke?: Neither. They’re gross
35. You're happy with your hair? Yeah
36. You own a dog?: Not mine
37. You spend your money wisely?: Yes
38. Do you like to swim?: I love water
39. Call a friend when you get bored?: All the time
40. Are you patient?: Depends on with what
41. flowers or angels? What are Angels? I like flowers though.
43. Color or black and white photos?: Color, I can always change them to black and white later
44. lust or love?: Love I guess
45. sunrise or sunset?: Sunset
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: Skittles
1. Are you in a relationship?: Nope
3. Sign?: Virgo
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?: Hell no
5. What about true love?: No
6. Have you made out with casual people?: Oo; gross.
7. Would you kiss on the first date?: Depends. Is it a first date when we’ve known each other for forever? Then sure. If I’m meeting them X.x no.
8. Do you look for one night stands?: That is disgusting.
9. Do you enjoy recieving flowers?: Yes ^_^
10. Do you enjoy gifts from your guy: Sometimes
1. Do you have a valentine planned out to have?: No
2. Do you like having a valentine? I’ve only had one once
3. Does someone like you currently? Probably
4. Are you even worried about the upcoming holiday?: Why should I be? No boyfriend, nothing to worry about.
5. What’s the best gift to receive on the day? Whatever
6. Is a little kiss (peck on cheek) the cutest kiss on this day: XD peck on the nose all the way (or forehead)
7. Why is this an important holiday to couples? Since people like to pretend they care once a year so they can get motivational sex. XD nah, it just because people sometimes need some nudging to make them feel it necessary to show some kind of affection.