
Apr 08, 2014 18:42

So, I have an offer for the school in Maryland. I loved the community when I went and interviewed and I liked the area itself very much. Aside from no easy proximity to skiing and farther from family than I would like, it is pretty darn awesome.

Interviewed yesterday at another literally ten minutes from my mother in Connecticut. Interview did not go as well as the other, but it was still strong. They have one more candidate and the director asked me not to take a job until chatting with her. So, I think I am in contention.

If the CT job had housing (I REALLY hit it out of the park with the residential life director, so I have a shot), I lean to it....a bit less change for my family. But, I believe I would be happy with the MD job.

The MD offer was made via email and we have time scheduled to chat tomorrow AM to go over specifics. I want to try to put off the decision until after I know about the CT job. Help! Advice!

Bottom line? I am in a good position. Tim has given full support either way. I am proud of myself. Several years back, I set the goal of attaining a position like this, and here I am. I feel like I just played a high-stakes chess game over several years.

The crazy thing? Part of me is hesitating on saying yes. It's not the job. I think I will do well in either. It's just the change. I mean. Moving from NH, a state I LOVE to another region is huge. It is big change for my family, and, the logistics. Sweet mother of Jesus, the logistics. But, I do this. Big change comes, and I get nervous because of the change. I will get past's just BIG, you know?

The kids have helped me to be firm that I will make a change. They have really been missing me this travel season, and it is starting to rip my heart out. I need to be with them more...that is certain. These jobs will practically double my salary, keep me home 75% more, and bring me great satisfaction [I believe]. Really, it's a no-brainer to do it. But, it's a leap, and scary, at the same time.

So, yeah. Argh!!

via ljapp

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