You can tell me I am awful, but I just won't care....

Jan 14, 2012 12:49

So, I was supposed to do interviews for Cornell all day, but they had too many volunteers and told me last night they would not need me today. To and Aidan ski on Saturdays and my sister was already set to watch Owen for the afternoon. You can see where this is going, right.

I kept the plan as is and I am enjoying a lazy afternoon. Alone.

I started off by using a Groupon at a used bookstore. Bought 'American Psycho' and 'Sarah's Key.'
Browsed at Marshalls.
Just finished a lovely lunch of salad and chili at Panera....and I snagged a comfy chair by the fire.
Going to read for a bit right here.
Then, off to browse at TJ Maxx.
May, just may, stop in at Coldstone Creamery. Maybe.
Then, who knows.

At 4:00 I have to hit the grocery store and head home, but for now? Loving the solitude.....with only the tiniest bit of guilt.

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