Dec 04, 2008 12:01
I have been up all night.
I have written a paper. It is due today.
I have the first half of my English 304 final today, and the other half next Tuesday.
I have a 12 page paper on Melville and his use of religion due on Tuesday for 448.
I have my 307 final on Tuesday.
If I don't go crazy this weekend then I am a fucking god.
Also since Aedon is writing poetry I now feel like a slacker since I ain't wrote nothin' decent outside of class in like, a year. At least.
Commencement is the 18th. I hope I can maintain some semblance of sanity until then. My brain hurts from this prolonged period of low-sleep. Most nights i get 4 or 5 hours, when for the last three years i've been giving myself mostly 8-9 hour nights. I thought i would get used to it, but apparently not. The area around my eyes has been purplish for about a month now. It looks like I have makeup on sometimes.
I am going to drive to class now and hope I don't fall asleep in my first class, since my first half of my final is in my middle class, and I have to turn my paper in in my last class of the day. And then I get to go to work for 5 hours! Goody!
I am running on nicotine. This can't be good.