Hello, weekend. Nice to see you. On Saturday I am dressing up as Spongebob at the Baltimore Aquarium. We are promoting the new Spongebob Squarepants movie that's coming out soon. I found out yesterday there's been mad commercials for my Spongebob appearance all over TV, and the
intarweb. Awesome! I already tried on the costume. It's heavy, hot, and uncomfortable. Kids will be showering me with hugs and smooches. I will probably get knocked over several times. But for $25 an hour, that's okay. I need money like whoa. I want visitors!
I had been planning on going to see the Ben Folds concert at Dickinson College on Sunday. Too bad the girl that was supposed to get me tickets waited until the last minute... when they were SOLD OUT. I'm upset. But I also just found out there might not even be a concert, because apparently Ben is sick with a throat infection. He cancelled tonight's show, so it wouldn't surprise me if he cancels the Sunday show. Regardless, I hate missing out on Ben shows.
I have been rather down lately, for various reasons. So cheer me up by doing this:
1. Tell me one thing you love about me.
2. Tell me two things you love about yourself. No self-deprecation allowed!
3. Look through the comments ~ when you see someone you know, tell them three things you love about them.
4. Do this in your journal.
5. Regardless of whether or not you post this meme, I'm going to reply and tell you something or a few things that I love about you.
Have a nice weekend, folks.