Aug 12, 2010 23:02

I suppose turning off communications for a fortnight is as close as one can come to a holiday around here. I trust you'll forgive me for falling off the face of the, ah, Barge. After spending two years in this place, I felt a break was long overdue.

Anyway, it appears I've missed some departures, as well as new arrivals. Since introductions are in order, I'll begin: I'm Major Henry West. Welcome to the Barge. You've been promised salvation, no doubt, or perhaps a favour from the Admiral. I could tell you myself what to expect, but I'm sure you'll find out well enough on your own. We're about overdue for another crisis, after all.

[OOC: LOL I KNOW THIS IS BAD FORM, but I'm going to bed. Tags will be returned uh. When I can get to them.]

west just kinda hates you all, being a little queeny, going stir crazy

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