Apr 05, 2010 10:13

[West sounds ANGRY. When West is angry, his voice gets scary and authoritative. HAVE FUN:]

What the fuck is wrong with the lot of you? You have no fucking respect for where your food comes from; none at all! Like a pack of wild children...

[Filtered to KITCHEN STAFF... minus Rube, because he wouldn't approve :c]
I've had it with their fundamental lack of respect for us. I say we go on strike. Cook meals for ourselves, and give the rest of them rations of beans and toast until they learn to behave like civilised people.

[OOC: Well uh... I just thought it was weird that nobody posted "OMGWTF" in response to the massive pool of blood in the kitchen. So I'm assuming West wanted to pull an extra shift for breakfast because he's a workaholic, and voila. HOPE THIS ISN'T STEPPING ON ANY TOES.

Or, hell, even if whoever was meant to find it still wants to write up a finding it post, this is just West's general reaction to flagrant DISRESPECT OF THE KITCHEN. The end.]

pissy, kitchen

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