Sep 07, 2009 12:56

It occurs to me now that my birthday is probably coming up, seeing as it has already passed here once before. I was probably dead at the time-- Barge dead, that is, since I am already as deceased as can be-- or in a port, or lost in a flood. I don't know how old I would be... Thirty-two forever, or would I be approaching thirty-four now? I don't feel any older, physically; no wear and tear outside of injuries. Mentally, I suppose it's a different matter entirely.

It's odd to think that I've let my last birthday slip without any thought. But then, I hardly keep up with time at all any more. It's difficult to think of it continuing for me when I'm no longer part of any world. The only way I really ever track it, these days, is through this...

[There's a long pause as he looks over things in his journal and begins to do the math]

Oh, you have got to be joking. I could not have possibly--


ONE HUNDRED ENTRIES?! I have been here for over a year; have I really done nothing more with my time than dawdle about with a journal like a teenage girl? This is what my afterlife is?

I could use something to drink. Right now.

[OOC: I've decided that West's a Scorpio, since it seems to fit his moody craziness, so YAY I GUESS THIS MEANS HIS BIRTHDAY'S COMING UP IN A COUPLE MONTHS LOL. But only Billy and probably Morgan would know that]

bitchy west is bitchy, being a little queeny, emo!, whiny bastard

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