Jun 21, 2009 22:20

The Wardens are absolutely out of control. How on Earth do you justify ambushing an Inmate who has just been shot by another Warden? Do you think we Inmates will idly sit here while this flagrant abuse of your position continues?

Oh, who am I kidding? Of course we will.

Anyway, if anybody needs me, I'll be in the Infirmary getting the new hole in my leg stitched up. You can thank the Wardens for that one, too.

[OOC: Following this fight. West has been punched in the face several times, stabbed in the thigh, above the knee, and lightly slashed across his abdomen. He looks SO SEXY RIGHT NOW. And he brought it upon himself. ANYWAY, if you want to visit with him, just action spam the post.]

west just kinda hates you all, bitchy west is bitchy, pissy, brb dying, violence lol

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